Special Announcement - Now Screening for FDA Approved Stem Cell Study
Dr. Mitchell Sheinkop has completed training and is credentialed for an FDA-approved stem cell clinical trial for knee arthritis. Our clinic is now screening patients for this trial. Contact us at 312-475-1893 for details. Click here to learn more.

 The Regenerative Pain Center

There is a very unique challenge concerning how to manage the effects of aging and the resulting impact on musculoskeletal well-being and continued participation in sports-from the weekend to the master athlete. Better understanding of the basic science of aging allows for better management of the physiological and biological issues and challenges facing the athletic baby boomer patient. The major problem as we age is weight gain despite a high level of activity and the same nutritional patterns as when we were younger. One must be aware that the body’s Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) comprises 60-75% of daily energy expenditure and that RMR decreases 20% from childhood to retirement. The second major contribution to athletic decline is degenerative arthritis

The Basic Science of Aging :Implications for the Male and Female Master Athletes

We all must recognize the normal physiologic effects of aging and how our activities of daily living, work related undertakings, recreational enjoyment, and participation in sports are impacted. Are there appropriate non-operative treatment plans for patients with traumatic, degenerative, and arthritic conditions, particularly related to the knee, hip, shoulder and spine that might allow you to postpone or even avoid a joint replacement?

To address these issues, the Regenerative Pain Center (RPC) will open its Chicago doors next week with offices in Lincoln Park and Des Plaines; the sole purpose being an attempt at pain control through regenerative medicine. Is the timing right; is it premature? Last week, Dr. Jon Lapook on CBS NEWS Healthwatch reported on the experimental treatment Platelet Rich Plasma therapy, the procedure that appears to help heal a muscle, tendon or joint injury without surgery. Assessing the value of PRP therapy may be viewed at  


On page 3 of The Chicago Tribune/Business/Section 2/Friday, December 9, 2011 FOCUS STEM CELL THERAPY featured “Investors poised to pounce on a commercial breakout”. ”Early clinical trial successes of dozens of treatments bring hopes some will hit the market in 5 years.” To paraphrase, the promise of stem cells lies in their ability to repair tissue and reduce inflammation.  While the Food and Drug Administration has not yet approved unfounded claims of success with regenerative menu of offerings, the FDA does not interfere in the clinical practice of medicine as long as there are no unsubstantiated claims made. Next week, I will announce a Pilot Study using autologous bone marrow concentrate for the treatment of patients impacted by arthritis made possible because of the Regenerative Pain Center.

Mitchell B. Sheinkop, M.D.

1565 N. LaSalle Street

Chicago, Illinois 60610


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