The progress in the emerging discipline, Orthobiologics, in part, is the result of the FDA and FTC taking on a stronger oversite role; but additionally, the data I gather contributes to these scientific advances. I will elaborate in this blog.
In order to be FDA compliant, the use of stem cells must be autogenous; that is, the cells must come from you. The orthobiologic industry finally complied so those providers with integrity have made available acellular growth factors. Three weeks ago, I learned that is some cases, Medicare and certain insurance companies will preauthorize said usage. Stay tuned on this one as to whether the product works and whether its use is indeed reimbursed.
Last week, I was made aware that the FDA had served notice to Chara Biologics and Liveyon for marketing biologic products that are unapproved. Stay tuned as more bad actors will be shut down.
Biologic Interventions to Avoid Joint Replacements
This past Friday, I received biologic interventions into my right and left hip and my right and left knee. It worked for me two years ago and I believe the biologics will help postpone, maybe avoid joint replacements while allowing me to keep skiing, fly fishing, cycling, and keeping fit. There were no appreciable amounts of stem cells in that which was processed from my own blood and injected. The anticipation is that the Platelets and Growth Factor Proteins will diminish the pain of arthritis, and assist in restoring full motion to my hips and knees, allowing me to continue my recreational profile.
In the presence of a single arthritic knee joint, I would have enrolled in the FDA approved Personalized Stem Cell Clinical Trial. You may learn about the Trial at or on my web site at In the upcoming months, it is hoped that the FDA will expand approval of the PSC Trial to both knees and eventually, the hips. At this time, there are only two FDA compliant methods of allowing physicians to provide a patient with “stem cells,” one is via your bone marrow and the other via your adipose tissue. In my case, with the several joints involved and given realistic outcome possibilities, I opted for the Growth factor approach. My next step will be the Stem Cell option.
I will be testing my outcomes of the Biologic interventions next week on a bone fishing trip four-five days in Punta Allen, Mexico. While my schedule is full prior to departure, there are still some office openings available on Tuesday, December 31. To schedule an appointment at any time call (312) 475-1893
Tags: biologic intervention, orthobiologics, regenerative medicine, stem cell research, stem cell trials