Special Announcement - Now Screening for FDA Approved Stem Cell Study Dr. Mitchell Sheinkop has completed training and is credentialed for an FDA-approved stem cell clinical trial for knee arthritis. Our clinic is now screening patients for this trial. Contact us at 312-475-1893 for details. Click here to learn more.
“When you are finished changing, you are finished” is a quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin. For 39 years, I was a joint replacement surgeon at a large academic medical center in Chicago where I rose to be the Head of the Joint Replacement Program and Professor of Orthopedic Surgery. My next stop for 11 years has been in the emerging discipline of Regenerative Medicine. In the latter, I introduced evidence-based medicine integrating clinical practice with clinical research. In so doing, I worked with several biotech companies proving outcomes data by continually monitoring the results of my care and treatment. Now, it is time to graduate into yet another initiative; namely, as both a consultant and director of medical affairs within the field of regenerative medicine and cellular orthopedics.
Continuing the Climb
While on July 31, I retire from clinical practice, I still will be involved in monitoring patient outcomes of the Platelet Rich Plasma, Bone Marrow Concentrate, and most recently, Micro Fractured Fat injected into the symptomatic and function-limiting arthritic joint. The mission has been to assist the patient in postponing, at times avoiding, a joint replacement.
On Wednesday of this week, the Biologics Symposium will be held in Washington, DC: The Next Generation of Biologics presented by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons in Collaboration with the Biologic Association. It is introducing the next generation in which I will be playing a consulting role. Until that time, I am still accepting patients, both new and for follow-up in my offices. You may learn more by visiting my website www.sheinkopmd.com. Schedule your office visit by calling (312) 475-1893
Please continue to contact my office to schedule your appointments (312) 475-1893. We are happy to assist you in the transition to Chicago Arthritis and appointments with Dr. Siddarth Tambar, M.D.
Joint pain, stiffness and swelling aren’t always inevitable results of aging
The above headline announced a featured article in the May 10, 2023 edition of the New York Times. Last Saturday night, my wife and I attended the Chicago Symphony Orchestra concert and watched Riccardo Muti conduct Rachmaninoff’s hour-long Second Symphony; Muti, born July 28, 1941, made sure the energy never lagged and the orchestra’s focus never wavered. As I marveled at the composition, I was also struck by how the conductor virtually completed a continuous aerobic workout at times almost genuflexing while at others, leaving his feet to reinforce his message to the orchestra. Not bad for someone who will soon celebrate his 82nd birthday.
My own musical career encompassed six months of piano lessons and a recital after which I focused my attention instead on 16-inch softball, football, and basketball. Maybe that is why I have arthritic joints and Maestro Muti is able to jump around the podium while conducting. We are separated in age by two months. I can still hear my mother asking me to practice our piano and “I don’t want you to play football”. That was then and here I am with arthritic joints. So, what am I doing about my symptoms and limitations? In the next several weeks, I will be receiving biologic interventions into two knees and my left hip. The treatment options will include adipose-derived Stem Cells; Plasma Rich Growth Factors; and A2M, the master proteinase inhibitor. As my arthritic knees and hip are still at Grade 3, the data clearly gives me a good chance at restoring function, diminishing symptoms, and postponing, perhaps avoiding joint replacements.
As far as our day-to-day office activities are concerned, in addition to our standard menu of cell-based therapies, we are still offering two studies using orthobiologics. One study involves an abdominal Mini liposuction under local anesthesia; while the other is Bone Marrow Concentrate focused. As I have previously mentioned in my Blog, I will be retiring from clinical practice on July 31, 2023. Dr. Siddharth Tambar will be absorbing my practice at that time. More to come about Dr. Tambar later. Until July 31, I am still treating patients and performing procedures. You may learn more at my website, www.sheinkopmd.com. To schedule a consultation call (312) 475-1893.
Today, we started scheduling patients for their 12-week follow-up appointments. I am reminded that July 31, 2023 will be my last day of practice prior to retirement.
It has been a long and rewarding journey starting in 1967, as an intern at Cook County Hospital in Chicago for one year followed by 42 months of Orthopedic Residency at Northwestern University affiliated Hospitals. Next came six months of a Pediatric Orthopedic Fellowship at the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem while waiting for my orders to serve in The United States Air Force. After one year of active duty, (there followed eight years of USAF Reserve retiring as Captain) I served at The University of Chicago as an Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery.
In 1974, I was recruited to Rush University as director of the orthopedic residency training program where I remained until 2007 retiring as Professor and Head of the Joint Replacement Program. Shortly thereafter, I undertook a new direction in the emerging discipline of Regenerative Medicine continuing to integrate patient care with clinical research resulting in scientific publications and ongoing clinical studies and trials. Now it is time to move on again to new adventures. Until July 31, 2023, I will still be doing procedures and seeing patients. Thereafter, I will be referring patients to Dr. Siddharth Tambar, who has been practicing Regenerative Medicine for 15 years. Anticipating the future, I moved my practice to the Chicago Arthritis and Regenerative Medicine 618 West Fulton Street location in Chicago on the first of this year. Dr. Tambar is the Medical Director of Chicago Arthritis and Regenerative Medicine.
As indicated above, until July 31, I will be consulting with patients and continuing with Cellular Medicine procedures be they stem cell based from bone marrow and fat; Plasma Rich Growth Factors, Master Protease Inhibitors, etc. To learn more, visit my website www.sheinkopmd.com. To schedule an office visit, call (312) 475-1893. In my upcoming Blogs, I will discuss where my professional future will take me.
Before I get sentimental about the past — as the song “Don’t Let the Old Man In“ still resonates — let’s focus on the brightness of the present time since I am still offering evidence-based treatment options including but not limited to:
1) Micro-fractured Adipose Tissue. It is the only FDA-approved treatment option that allows access, adipose-derived (from your fat), to stem cells and growth factors in treating an arthritic joint or joints 2) Bone Marrow Aspiration Concentrate from you allowing for access to your stem cells and growth factors in treating arthritis 3) Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) made from your venous blood and injected into an arthritic joint. It was the earliest of regenerative options but is now used mostly as a secondary alternative 4) Plasma Rich Growth Factors the manufacture of which is initiated as in PRP but much better owing to the continued evolution of the preparation kits 5) Master Protease Inhibitor (A2M) is also dependent on a process akin to PRP but with a filtration kit designed to concentrate Growth Factors manufactured by the liver; molecules circulating in your blood that need to be processed and injected into an arthritic joint. 6) Subchondroplasty is a treatment option by which one or all of the above are injected into the bone adjacent to your arthritic joint 7) Exosomes though now being offered in many US Clinics with the potential to regenerate, heal and repair but there are currently no FDA approved Exosome treatments
The evidence continues to grow to support or refute the many claims advanced for the treatment of such far-ranging conditions as Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Heart failure, Multiple Sclerosis & more in Panama; or ALS, Aging, etc., in Mexico. In our Cellular Orthopedic and Regenerative Medicine Evidence-Based Practice, we integrate patient measurement of outcome results with the most advanced FDA-approved approaches to minimizing symptoms and maximizing physical function for those afflicted with osteoarthritis. As discussed previously, we must not forget how these noteworthy long-term patient outcomes are emblematic of minimally invasive treatments demonstrating improvement in patient function and diminishing the symptoms of Osteoarthritis.
To learn more, visit my website at www.sheinkopmd.com. To schedule an appointment call (312) 475-1893. You might want to stay current with my Blog as there are several upcoming important announcements concerning clinical research, outcomes, and future pathways.