Cellular Orthopedics Blog
Platelet Rich Plasma vs. Corticosteroids and More
Steroids have always been the “go-to thing” for an inflamed joint but the standard of care has evolved. Many of us have replaced steroid injections with PRP as the new standard. Despite the immediate pain relief that a cortisone injection when combined with a local...
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow
I am not referring to Shakespeare's Macbeth nor to Kurt Vonnegut's short story. My knees and hips are tired of waiting for the FDA to approve the Personalized Stem Cell Clinical Trial. I am moving forward with an alternative option that should and could provide me...
An Update | The Personalized Stem Cell Clinical Trial
“Exciting things are happening at PSC. Next month we will be submitting to the FDA our Phase 2 clinical protocol that is designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of stem cells as a treatment for Knee Osteoarthritis, but in a much larger trial. This will be a...
Costs of Stem Cell and Ortho-biologic Care
Out-of-pocket (OOP) costs for medical and surgical care can result ina substantial financial burden for patients and families. Relatively little is known regarding OOP costs for commercially insured patients receiving orthopaedic surgery. OOP costs associated with a...
The FDA and Ensuring Safety and Effectiveness of Stem Cells and Related Biologics for Arthritis
For some time now, I have been telling patients and writing in my blog about upcoming clinical trials using adipose-derived stem cells for arthritis management. While the stem cells in bone marrow continue to be used for lessening the symptoms and improving the...
Understanding the Power of Fat (SVF) for Your Orthopaedic Issue
Using minimally invasive options for patients, we are able to harvest, concentrate, and prepare a patient’s own fat for the repair, reconstruction, and replacement of injured or damaged tissue. Adipose tissue, commonly known as fat, has many natural reparative...
What is the role of Regenerative Medicine?
U.S. hospitals performed more than 100,000 surgeries on older patients during the first year of the pandemic, according to a new Lown Institute analysis. The healthcare think tank relied on Medicare claims data and analyzed eight common low-value procedures. It called...
Evidence Based Cellular Orthopedics and Stem Cells for Osteoarthritis
I am an Orthopedic Surgeon; not an orthopedic physician or one of the many charlatans who hold themselves out as “specialists” in regenerative medicine. To be a Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon and Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons is an arduous...
A Stem Cell Orthopedic Update
Autologous stem cell therapy means your own stem cells are used to treat you. In other words, the donor is also the recipient. Over ten years ago, I started aspirating a patient’s own bone marrow as the source of stem cells for diminishing the symptoms and improving...
The Stem Cell Town Crier
My Cellular Orthopedic/Regenerative Medicine practice is evidence-based. In short, we integrate patient care with research. Our outcomes and patient satisfaction data over the last two years clearly show that the highly concentrated injectate of A2M and concentrated...
Let’s Explore Stem Cells and Shoulders
50 years ago, the treatment of choice for the rotator cuff tear was observation and physical therapy. The results were very unsatisfactory to the patient and physician. At the same time, historic attempts at surgical reconstruction were doomed to fail. The same was...
A Stem Cell Patient Anecdote and More on Cellular Orthopedics
Patient Success | OrthoBiologics “So yesterday when Dr. S was in the room and did a kind of magic spell thing about everything working out, I had to report this. First of all, my shoulders are feeling pretty good, but you know I was pretty unhappy that after a month...