Joint Rejuvenation and Restoration
Following injury or wear, limitations need not be limited to professional, college and high school athletes
Last week, my column focused on the post traumatic ravages of the National Football League season; and getting ready for next cycle of body demolition. Those who watched the championship game saw several players assisted off the field following violent trauma. Even the President announced that he would prefer his son not play football. While professional, college and high school competitive sports enjoy high profile, there are the average recreational sports and fitness enthusiasts who progressively experience a diminution of ability to participate in a sought-after activity by virtue of injury or wear and tear; be it basketball, running, cycling, skiing, hockey, fitness endeavors, volleyball, golf, soccer, sailing; so, on and so forth.
As an example, a 67-year-old man presented in my office last week after having read my column, with progressive pain in his left knee and inability to partake in his long-time recreational passion, volleyball. I completed his intake centered on the taking of his medical history, completed an orthopedic physical examination, and ordered X-rays. He brought a recent MRI study to the appointment. The physical therapist who assists me objectively documented his physical findings so we would have pretreatment measurements. Additionally, my therapeutic recommendation is always based on more than an X-Ray and MRI, but also includes the objective and reproducible Range of Joint Motion and assessment of joint stability.
After review of all the above, I administered informed consent for a Bone Marrow Concentrate intervention into his left knee as a means of postponing, perhaps avoiding a Total Knee Replacement and assisting in his return to recreational volleyball. While there are several options for intervention into the arthritic or injured joint including adipose and blood-based alternatives, I recommended Bone Marrow Concentrate for his moderately arthritic knee as a means of providing Concentrated Platelets, Concentrated Growth Factors, anti-inflammatory Cytokines, Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Precursor Cells, Marrow Adipose Tissue, and Hematopoietic Cells, all consistent with FDA compliance requirements. There are mandatory Federal Drug Administration and Federal Trade Commission regulatory standards of compliance in Regenerative Medicine; patients must be cautious when choosing the minimally invasive Cellular Orthopedic option. It takes an office visit, physical assessment and review of images by a board-certified specialist in the regenerative medicine decision making process; not merely attendance at a seminar. Some patients will not meet inclusion criteria, their needs would be better served by accepted surgical norms.
At age 67, there is little chance at Cartilage Regeneration for my patient, but there is a high probability of Joint Restoration; that is increased motion, diminution of pain and the return of ability, in this patient’s case to play volleyball. He will wear an off-loader brace for six weeks, partake in physical therapy and then gradually return to his Chicago Park District three games a week routine. The patient will have reached his competitive goals through care based on the scientific evidence and outcomes documentation. As long as I introduced the subject of competitive goals, off I go to ski in Colorado next week; about a year after having undergone Cellular Orthopedic interventions to both of my arthritic hips and both of my arthritic knees. Without the biologics, not only would I be unable to ski, I would be ready for two knee replacements and two hip replacements. I should have listened to my mother and stuck to the piano and violin.
To learn more about continuing to reach your competitive goals, visit my web site or call and schedule a consultation 312-475-1893).
Tags: arthritis, board-certified, Bone Marrow Concentrate, bone marrow edema, cellular orthopedics, FDA, football, Growth Factors, hematopoietic cell, joint pain, Mesenchymal Stem Cell, OA, Orthopedic Surgeon, Osteoarthritis, Physical Therapy, soccer, sports injuries, sports medicine, tear, volleyball