For those of you afflicted with the symptoms and limitations imposed by osteoarthritis, the question most frequently asked at the time of a consultation: “Will this treatment regenerate my cartilage?” The most commonly affected joint is the knee characterized by progressive destruction of articular cartilage, loss of extracellular matrix, and progressive inflammation. It is the latter that leads to the pain and swelling of the joint. Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy (MSC) has been and is being used as a new regenerative treatment for knee osteoarthritis. I use it in my practice by applying bone marrow concentrate to the osteoarthritic joint.
Additionally, between 2019 and 2020, I participated in an FDA Clinical Trial in which adipose-derived stem cells (Stromal Vascular Fraction-SVF) obtained via an abdominal mini-liposuction followed by separation of the SVF from the fat cells, were injected into the arthritic knee joint at several trial centers in the country and followed to monitor outcomes. The sponsor of the SVF trial, Personalized Stem Cells, is soon submitting a request for FDA approval of another major adipose-based stem cell trial for the arthritic knee. You may learn more by visiting
To date, recommended treatment options for the osteoarthritic joint range from non-care to pain control. Now, Cell-based therapy and novel approaches using MSCs or exosomes secreted by MSCs are available through my office.
How do the Stem Cells work?
We now know that MSCs and MSC-exosomes carry out numerous functions in the treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis which include an increase of chondrogenesis, which is a well-orchestrated process mediated by interactions between cellular receptors, growth factors, and surrounding matrix protein. In addition to the next adipose-based stem cell clinical trial, I have been asked to be a co-investigator in an IRB-submitted autologous Exosome trial. More about this latter will be appearing over the next several weeks in my Blog. At the same time, I am participating in an ongoing, IRB-approved observational clinical Trial for those with structural defects in their joints as identified in an MRI. The latter may be covered by third-party indemnification if you meet the inclusion criteria.
Your Guide to Navigating the Journey in Regenerative Medicine
Yes, Regenerative Medicine is an ongoing, complicated journey and at times confusing discipline. What is good for the arthritic knee may also be good for your shoulder and hip. To make sense out of chaos, call my office at (312) 475-1893. You may visit my website at