“Dwight Howard dominated the paint during Tuesday’s series-clinching victory, finishing with 18 points, 19 rebounds, four steals and four blocks.” (From Yahoo sport) Three months ago, the following appeared in the Press/News from ESPNDallas.com “Dwight Howard Out Indefinitely. There is no timetable for Houston Rockets center Dwight Howards return.” There are many other athletes who undergo Regenerative Medicine-Cellular Orthopedic interventions during the course of the year, they are not as public about it but there is successful return to sports, more often than not. If you imagine the forces generated across the knee in a 6’11’’, 265 lb. professional basketball player, you must conclude that his regenerative medicine intervention is a success for a continually painful knee.
Cellular Orthopedics is here to stay and is rapidly gaining a foothold as the non-operative treatment regimen for skeletal muscular trauma and the progressive restrictions imposed by degenerative arthritis. This past weekend, I was in Southwest Wisconsin fly fishing and cycling. Wading up a spring creek and climbing up and down the cliffs is as demanding as playing center on a professional basketball team. Cycling for three hours up 1500 foot climbs depends not only on conditioning but on functional knees. It was possible for my buddy and me in part because of the several cellular orthopedic procedures I have completed on him in the past three years. We have many more similar trips planned.
Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate-Stem Cell treatment is only one of the possibilities available for helping a patient postpone or avoid a joint replacement, diminish pain, increase motion and assist in returning an injured or arthritic individual to well being and a full recreational profile. From Concentrated Platelet Rich Plasma to Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate-Stem Cells, there are several alternatives for altering the natural history of post traumatic and degenerative arthritis. Many more offerings are in the works and I will continually update you as to when these latest interventions become available. In the meantime, please understand that while I don’t have to break a bone to best understand how to treat a fracture, my treatment recommendations for Cellular Orthopedic intervention concerning both post traumatic arthritis and degenerative arthritis in part are influenced by my own experiences so I will continue to report on such. To learn more about what is available in Regenerative Medicine and what clinical trials are in the works, make an appointment for a consultation.
847 390 7666
Tags: arthritis, athletes, Benefits and Risk, bone marrow, Bone Marrow Concentrate, C-SCP, Clinical Studies, Concentrated Stem Cell Plasma, Interventional Orthopedics, joint replacement, Knee, Knee Pain Relief, Mature Athlete, Pain Management, PRP, Regenexx, Regenexx-SD, stem cells, treatment