Stem Cell Patient Outcome Anecdotes
There are statistics and anecdotes that are used to review the outcomes of a particular cellular orthopedic treatment option and help determine what is best for a patient with arthritis. At times, it is difficult, and even impossible, to develop a sufficient number of patients with similar problems that might enable a statistical analysis. At that time, we have to base our recommendations on anecdotes; that is small numbers of patient responses. Two and a half years ago, a 67-year-old cycling enthusiast presented to our office with progressive pain and loss of motion owing to osteoarthritis of both knees. By the time he presented, the customary approaches to the arthritic knee had been exhausted including Physical Therapy, analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, Hyaluronic Acid injections and arthroscopic “clean out.” Total Knee Replacements had been prescribed as the treatment option when all else had failed.
Patient Outcome Anecdotes
The patient had learned of my Cellular Orthopedic initiatives from his cycling group and sought consultation in our offices. The “team” of senior cyclists had experienced the recent loss of two team members because of their having experienced less than optimal outcomes following Total Knee Replacements. After our office assessment and review of images, I recommended a Bone Marrow Concentrate injection in both knees to help post postpone, perhaps avoid major surgery in the avid cyclist. I chose Bone Marrow Concentrate as the optimal means of delivering Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Platelets, Precursor Cells and Growth Factor Proteins. The procedures were done on November 22nd of 2017. At this yearly follow up assessment, the patient reported that he has no pain, no limitation of function, requires no medications for arthritis and enjoys an unlimited weekly cycling routine approaching 300 miles per week.
A second example, or anecdote, is this senior athletic enthusiast, me. Many who know me are aware of my arthritic knees and hips for which I have had two rounds of biologic interventions in the past four years. Over the Memorial Day weekend, I cycled a combined 70 miles in Southwest Wisconsin, on hilly terrain, at times accompanied by my wife and twin grandsons; finished planting a large garden by hand; and helped clean our farmhouse, as we hosted and entertained our three grandchildren( ages 12, 10 and 10) with parents -the latter the most strenuous task of all.
While there is a medical cliché, “an anecdote does not a series make”, the vignettes above are real examples of what may be done for a symptomatic and functionally limiting arthritic joint. To learn more about orthobiologic options from proprietary Platelet Rich Plasma to stem cells and then some, call and schedule an appointment at (312) 475-1893. You may visit my website at www.sheinkopmd.com and watch my webinar.
Tags: arthritis pain, joint pain, patient outcomes, stem cell therapy, stem cell treatments