Several Unorthodox Requests for Biologic Treatment of Arthritis
Over the past several weeks, patients have presented with interest in biologic treatment of arthritis other than “can you regrow my cartilage?” While cartilage regeneration was initially marketed by stem cell purveyors, it never made physiologic sense unless the patient was under 30, perhaps even younger; as cartilage does not reproduce shortly after the body achieves skeletal maturity. What had been marketed up until five years ago was the hope that stem cells could regrow cartilage at any age; well it hasn’t worked out that way. What we have learned is that the growth factors produce by platelets, the liver, and you bone marrow are effective anti-inflammatories and will provide pain relief and even reverse scarring inside and around the joint.
Growing Number of Stem Cells
Please keep in mind though that here-to-for, the number of stem cells available by aspiration and concentration of bone marrow numbered in the tens of thousands. The ability now to recover stem cells from adipose tissue with FDA approval as pioneered by Personalized Stem Cells, Inc., changes those numbers to millions and may advance our ability to regenerate cartilage. Readers of this Blog are aware that we recently completed the First FDA approved Clinical Trial using adipose derived stem cells for the arthritic knee; and we are in the process of analyzing our data.
Unorthodox Requests for Biologic Treatment of Arthritis
Refocusing on the notion of unorthodox requests, one patient recently indicated that he wanted to postpone a knee replacement by several years until he retired. Next came the request for biologic treatment of arthritis for her arthritic joins because of co-morbidities, that is other afflictions, making it unsafe to undergo a joint replacement. Yet another request came from a patient with an arthritic hip whose sister had experienced a very unsatisfactory and complicated outcome following a joint replacement. Last of all on a personal note, I have two arthritic hips and two arthritic knees; that would require four major surgical interventions fraught with potential risk and even death. Not a risk I want to undergo as long as the biologics continue to allow me to cycle long distances- “At your next opportunity you can tell them how you biked up the G Hill with a stiff wind on your nose. And your knees are still working” -(From a cycling partner last Monday am); wade through a spring creek climbing up and down with a fly rod in pursuit of trout; exercise five days a week for over 30 minutes per session on a concept 2 rowing ergometer; and look forward to the upcoming ski season.
To learn more and schedule a consultation call (312) 475-1893. You may visit my web site and watch the webinar www.sheinkopmd.com. The Personalized Stem Cell website www.PSC.com will update you about adipose derived stem cell clinical trials approved by the FDA.
Tags: arthritis treatments, biologic treatment, biologic treatments for arthritis