Feb 4, 2019
On Monday, the annual migration for attempts at the physical Restoration and Regeneration of the NFL players injured bodies began. While in the past, the losers would chant “wait ‘til next year”; very soon, the NFL winners and losers alike will take flight to Orthopedic Surgeons around the USA and world, on occasion, some will even find their way to my office, seeking both operative and non-operative repair of the injuries incurred over the last eight months. What I will offer is Regenerative and Restorative initiatives using either the patient’s bone marrow, circulating blood or body fat. While I use a needle and not a knife in my practice, at times it takes arthroscopy and open surgical procedures to assist the athlete in returning to play or extending a career. The fall NFL 2019 schedule is already on line; there is a sense of urgency. These attempts at restoring and regenerating anatomic and physical well-being are not limited to the professional football player. To the best of my recollection, it was Tiger Woods in 2008, who brought regenerative medicine to the attention of the American public. When in 2011, Kobe Bryant traveled to Dusseldorf, Germany for a highly publicized orthobiologic treatment of his arthritic knee, returning to play for another six seasons, he was soon after followed by the professional golfer Fred Couples, baseball player Alex Rodriguez, and NFL star Payton Manning. All returned to their respective sport and extended playing careers; many more have followed. Now Cellular Orthopedics, Regenerative Medicine and Joint Restoration are available around our country as well as at my office for professional, college, high school, amateur athletes and fitness enthusiasts of any age.
Orthobiologics and Cellular Orthopedics are a dynamic approach to body injury and arthritis using the individual’s own (autologous) platelets, molecules and proteins circulating in the blood (Cytokines and Growth factors), adipose tissue, or bone marrow to effect healing and eliminate pain. At this time, it is FDA Compliant to use such in the care and treatment of injury and arthritis as long as that which is to be used has been harvested from the patient herself or himself, not cultured or expanded, and not treated with additional agents. The successes are no longer merely anecdotal; there is an ever-increasing body of scientific evidence to validate the emerging discipline of Cellular Orthopedics. For instance, in my office, I integrate patient care with documenting outcomes and that has led to several recent scientific publications contributing to an evidence-based orthobiologics practice. You may find those publications and more at my web site www.sheinkopmd.com. To schedule a consultation call (312) 475-1893.
There is a way of still being an athlete and significantly reducing your risk of injury, take up esports. Marquette University is adding varsity esports, a competitive video gaming team in the fall of 2019. The team will have tryouts, coaches and regular practices just like any intercollegiate sport
Tags: arthritis, athletes, autologous, avascular necrosis, bone marrow, cellular orthopedics, cytokines, esports, Growth Factors, injury, joint pain, joint replacement, joint restoration, knee pain, meniscus tear, MSC, OA, orthobiologic, Orthopedic Surgeon, Osteoarthritis, Pain Management, pain reduction, patyon manning, platelets, PRP, sports injury, sports medicine, stem cells, superbowl, surgery, tiger woods, torn labrum
Oct 11, 2018
In general, a Growth Factor is a term used to describe a protein produced be a variety of different cell types that binds to specific receptors on different cellular surfaces. They may on the one hand stimulate cell growth; on the other hand, some growth factors may block actions on target cells of a different protein. Cytokines are another class of signaling proteins more closely related to hormones. The subject matter is quite complex; but, I wanted to introduce the subject of Growth Factors into my Blog as growth factors are increasingly gaining attention in combating and reversing the progression of arthritis.
Already in use is Tissue Necrosis Factor-alpha blocker, frequently prescribed in a proprietary form as Humera, for inflammatory arthritis and arthropathy such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthropathy and Ankylosing Spondylitis. It works by blocking a protein (TNF-Alpha), found in the body’s immune system and responsible for joint swelling and inflammation. By so doing, Humera reduces symptoms, prevents bone and cartilage damage and improves physical function.
Outside of the United States, Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist Protein (IRAP) is used for the symptoms of grades 2 and 3 Osteoarthritis by binding to the cell surface and preventing IL-1 from sending a proinflammatory message to that cell. IRAP is currently the basis for a clinical trial taking place in the United States to document its safety and efficacy. The sponsors of the trial hope for full enrollment and outcomes analysis in the not too distant future; so, the Growth Factor might be used with FDA approval in clinical practice. It was for IRAP that one-time basketball great Kobe Bryant, travelled to Dusseldorf Germany, ten years ago with grade 4 osteoarthritis of the knee thereby prolonging his career by six years.
On Tuesday of this week, I received a call form a company exploring a safety and feasibility trial for yet another growth factor approach with the latter derived from another human biologic resource. Last March, there was a contact from a global pharmaceutical company asking my help in developing a trial for yet another type of a growth factor approach in dealing with the symptoms and limitations of arthritis. I introduce the Growth Factor subject matter now to better update my reader as well as prepare you for the coming debate that Growth Factors are equal to; perhaps more important as we age than stem cells for dealing with the symptoms, functional limitations and progression of arthritis.
To learn more, you may call for a consultation. (312) 475-1893 or visit my web site at WWW.Sheinkopmd.com
Tags: autologous, bone marrow, Growth Factors, Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist Protein, IRAP, joint pain, OA, Osteoarthritis, PRP, stem cells
Sep 13, 2018
I rode my bike this past Saturday and Sunday through the Chicago Forest Preserve bike trails and I had some time to reflect. Just as in fly fishing, cycling is meditation time. I tried to answer questions that came to mind such as how could Abraham have fathered both Izsak and Ishmael in his late 90s? Was it the triumph of stem cells or something more? I reflected on this through the Monday service without resolution other than we are still dealing with the ramifications.am
On Tuesday morning, the usual and customary ad in the Chicago Tribune paid for by the Stem Cell Institutes of America appeared inviting readers to a seminar to learn more about their approach to pain from arthritis and assuring the reader that their techniques are FDA compliant. Their approach is based on Amniotic Fluid injection. What I do know is FDA compliance requires that the stem cells must be yours (autologous) and that amniotic fluid once processed, sterilized, frozen and fast thawed has no viable stem cells. I also am cognizant of the large body of scientific evidence supporting the notion that pain of arthritis is generated by the supporting bone as cartilage has no nerve supply. How does a single and costly injection of amniotic fluid result in long term benefit? I have to deal on a daily basis with the fallout of this marketing campaign.
Next the Wednesday, September 12, addition of the Chicago Sun Times carried an ad sponsored by The Pain Relief Institute headlining Stem Cell Recruitment. As I understand the approach, Amniofix, a placental derivative, micronized, is reconstituted and injected into the arthritic joint. Reader please note that the first bullet states “FDA Regulated”. Of interest is the fact that I refused and still refuse to use Amniofix in my practice as there are no evidence based clinical trials to support any clinical claims. Those trials are taking place now. Amniofix is a product rushed to market before there was scientific proof to support use. You may learn more about Amniofix by searching the product online. If you don’t count cells with a hemoanalyzer, how could you know what is being “recruited”?
My commitment is to stand up for my patient in this regenerative medicine chaos. I resolve to do better in the upcoming year with introspection and ongoing review of the discipline.
With best wishes for a happy and healthy 5779
You may visit the website at www.sheinkopmd.com
Schedule an appointment by calling (312) 475-1893
Tags: amniofix, amniotic fluid, autologous, cellular therapy, FDA, regenerative medicine, stem cell