Special Announcement - Now Screening for FDA Approved Stem Cell Study
Dr. Mitchell Sheinkop has completed training and is credentialed for an FDA-approved stem cell clinical trial for knee arthritis. Our clinic is now screening patients for this trial. Contact us at 312-475-1893 for details. Click here to learn more.
When will the “Stem Cell” charlatans be prosecuted?     

When will the “Stem Cell” charlatans be prosecuted?     

My Blog has frequently addressed the false ads claiming Amniotic Fluid, Chord Blood, Wharton’s Jelly and the like contain living stem cells emphasizing that the processes of preservation and sterilization followed by freezing kills off any living cells. Sylvia Perez first addressed the issue on Fox News’ Conversation in Health, January 29, 2018 and Pam Zekman posted her investigative report on WBBM-TV, the week before Thanksgiving. Yet patients continue falling for the hoax.

In contrast, let’s address the positive, cellular orthopedics; the ongoing practice of evidence- based medicine. Below are two statistically significant scientific studies that play a role in helping determine the best possible outcomes to a regenerative intervention

November 21, 2018 

Safety and Efficacy of Micro-Fractured Adipose Tissue for Knee Osteoarthritis

New research published by TOBI Faculty suggests autologous, micro-fractured, minimally manipulated adipose tissue may represent a nonsurgical treatment option for knee osteoarthritis patients seeking alternatives to total knee replacement.

Congratulations Jay Panchal, MD, Gerard Malanga, MD, Mitchell Sheinkop, MD on this new publication in The American Journal of Orthopedics.

Safety and Efficacy of Percutaneous Injection of Lipogems Micro-Fractured Adipose Tissue for Osteoarthritic Knees

To download or read the publication: https://www.amjorthopedics.com/article/safety-and-efficacy-percutaneous-injection-lipogems-micro-fractured-adipose-tissue

Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis with Autologous Bone Marrow Concentrate and Cytokine Concentrate – A Prospective Clinical Case Series Study


Abstract submitted to the Orthopedic Research Society Annual Meeting, 2019

Mitchell B. Sheinkop1 , Marry Langhenry2 , Jizong Gao3 1. Orthopedic Surgery, Rush University, Chicago, IL.2. Cellular Orthopedics, Chicago, IL  3. Celling Biosciences, Austin, Texas.


INTRODUCTION: Osteoarthritis (OA) is an organ disease that affects most structures of the joints including cartilage, synovium and subchondral bone. The pathophysiology of knee osteoarthritis can be broken down into pathoanatomy, cell biology, and genetics. Although fibrillation of articular cartilage is regarded as the primary changes and potential cause of clinical symptoms, the synovium and capsule undergo progressively inflammatory changes and secrete proteolytic enzymes that may contribute to the progression of OA. Meanwhile, the subchondral bone tissue develops lytic lesions with edema, sclerosis, and cyst formation. Therefore, it has been recommended that the treatment of OA should be a comprehensive approach to create a homeostatic environment to facilitate the OA treatment with a long-lasting outcome. Bone marrow contains mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Different cytokines such as alpha 2-macroglobulin (A2M) (Wang et al) and growth factors have been identified in the blood and bone marrow aspirate. Either bone marrow concentrate (BMC) or MSCs have been injected into the knee joint to treat OA with promising clinical outcomes. Hernigou et al reported that injection of BMC into the subchondral bone area was able to delay or eliminate the need for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and clinical outcome was comparable to TKA in the contralateral knee. Cytokines and growth factors in the blood or bone marrow aspirate were concentrated by filtering method to prepare autologous therapeutic biologics. In the current study, a consecutive series of patients with moderate to severe OA were treated by intra-articular and intra-subchondral bone injection of BMC and autologous concentrated cytokines/growth factors. The quantity of representative cytokines and growth factors in the concentrate were also measured. Patients were evaluated for the improvement of systems and knee functions by following up to 6 months after injection. METHODS: This prospective case series study was approved by the Institutional Review Board.

To learn more or to schedule an evidence-based consultation call (312) 475-1893

You may visit my web site and read my blogs at www.sheinkopmd.com

Regenerative Medicine is an option for those with arthritis but don’t be fleeced by the hucksters and camp followers.

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Stem Cells and Golf, Tennis, Swimming, Boating, Fitness, Cycling, Skiing, etc., etc., etc.

From the front page of the September, 2018 issue of GOLF “This Tiger is for real. He’s faster, sharper-and an up-and-down machine.” Then, from the September/October issue of Tennis, “Juan Martin del Potro He’s back…. and ready to once again conquer”. His once promising career was reaching the end owing to wrist injuries. Quoting Del Potro in the article “one doctor would say something to me; another would say something different. It was difficult to believe one or the other”; however, he demanded excellence and eventually found it  

I could go on citing and quoting from all sports and recreational resources but you get the idea. These are recovery and come back examples of what motivated individuals may accomplish. Now, if you tune in to upcoming US Open later this month, you will be able to follow Rafael Nadal, another super athlete who was able to return to compete at the top of his game owing to cellular orthopedics for several potentially career ending injuries over recent years. I could go on with the examples in each and every recreational pursuit or from those who wished to regain a pain free and very active life even if not at the aforementioned level of demand. Suffice it to say, the common denominator for those with skeletomuscular restrictions is a combination of physical training, mental motivation and timely medical care.

You can put some of this Tiger in your tank and reignite your enjoyment of activities at any level if arthritic or traumatic injury of your bone and joints is holding you back. The new world, (actually it is not so new anymore) of Cellular Orthopedics may allow for a return to a virtually unlimited lifestyle with a needle instead of a knife. I choose to define myself as a Cellular Orthopedist so a patient might not be trapped in the web of so called regenerative medicine specialists. An orthopedic surgeon has dedicated many years to understand the musculoskeletal system whereas a regenerative medicine clinic frequently is populated by those who attended a two-day training seminar. While my own recreational pursuits and fitness profile is far removed from those of the famous professionals noted earlier in this blog, following cellular orthopedic interventions into my own knees in December of 2017, and for my hips in January, 2018, I returned to skiing last winter, cycling and fly fishing this summer, and I am able to enjoy a full fitness commitment in doing my part to maintain the highest possible level of performance.

You may access my website at WWW.SheinkopMD.com or call (312) 475-1893 to schedule a consultation. 

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Optimizing Strategies for the Practice of Interventional Orthopedics

Optimizing Strategies for the Practice of Interventional Orthopedics

The FDA again held a meeting to address issues pertaining to Regenerative Medicine. At the conclusion of the meeting, an updated set of guidelines was developed for patient protection in the use of stem cells, growth factors, and platelet rich plasma. While still being interpreted by the Regenerative Medicine community, what becomes clear is the call for better self-regulation. It is not ethical or acceptable for anyone holding themselves out to be practicing cellular medicine to hold a seminar, recruit a patient, inject some substance into a joint and request payment. Equally important are the credentials of that practitioner.

For the past four and a half years, I have followed the outcomes of all my patients using the same subjective and objective parameters in my practice of Interventional Orthopedics that I used to follow the results during my joint replacement career. Over that 37-year span, because of my data collection initiative, many new generations of Hip and Knee Prostheses were introduced into adult reconstructive orthopedic surgery. Statistical analysis of data allows for progress in care and development of new product. Today, I still gather outcomes data for each patient. That initiative has led to refinement and advances in the emerging subspecialty of Regenerative Medicine; both in my own practice and around the globe.

Anticipating the future, I am headed off this upcoming weekend to join a small group of those looking to the future in advancing the practice of cellular medicine. Up until now, our data collection and Outcomes registry was clinical in nature; in a short time, that data will also include cellular data. This latter is the next way to refine the practice of regenerative medicine.

By having tighter control over the composition of autologous PRP and BMC preparations for use in my practice of regenerative medicine, through comprehensive analysis of autologous patient samples, I will have a chance to see what levels of important constituents like Stem Cells, Growth Factors, Platelets, RBCs, WBCs, and so on are present in the preparation.

How might I take advantage of the data? The most obvious use would be for me to record values of your sample analysis in a spreadsheet and enter in demographic and clinical outcomes data. I will continue to enter your results of outcomes assessments obtained during follow-up visits that I routinely use to monitor your recovery. By applying this strategy to all patients I treat, an internal database will inform me about optimization strategies for treating my patients, allowing me to modify and customize the make-up of that which will be injected. Why go to the trouble, you might be asking yourself? Having a detailed knowledge of what I am injecting into my patient puts me in a position to refine my practice of regenerative medicine. And that is a good thing, since you the patient ultimately will benefit from my optimizing the use of autologous materials like PRP and BMC.

To schedule your appointment call 312 475 1893


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