News from the International Orthopedics Foundation Annual Meeting
I am sitting at my computer this morning writing the weekly Blog posting and not attending the IOF meeting taking place today in Broomfield, Colorado; yet I am reporting about the meeting. Instead of attending, I am preparing for a week-long ski adventure with my family next week in Vail, Colorado while trying to catch up in my practice. How is it than possible that I know what is taking place at the meeting? Listed below are five of the 10 ongoing or completed cellular orthopedic clinical trials in which I am a principal investigator or co-researcher. The preliminary and final data resulting from these clinical research initiatives is the outcomes foundation for what is being presented at the IOF podium today and tomorrow.
1) Stem Cell Counts and the Outcome of Bone Marrow Concentrate intra-articular and intra-osseous (subchondroplasty) interventions at the knee for grades 2 and 3 OA. (supported in part by Celling). Ongoing
2) Outcomes of Bone Marrow Concentrate (stem cell, platelet and growth factor) Intervention at the Knee for Grades 2 and 3 OA in 50 patients at 2 to 4 years. (supported in part by Regenexx)
3) Outcomes of Intra-articular Bone Marrow Concentrate versus those of combined Intraarticular and Intraosseous interventions for grades 2 and 3 OA at the knee at one year. (self-funded). Ongoing
4) How does the PRP and Mononucleated cell count affect the outcome of a BMC intervention for grades 2 and 3 Knee OA? (a joint project with Greyledge) Ongoing
5) Safety and Efficacy of Percutaneous Injection of Micro-Fractured Adipose Tissue for grade 4 Osteoarthritic Knees, minimum follow-up of 18 months in 30 patients (supported in part by Lipogems)
I had to prioritize; and since most of the arthritis data being presented is all or in part mine, I already know the subject matter. By staying home, I also found the opportunity to browse “stem cell” websites as suggested by ads in today’s newspapers or introduced by email blasts this week. Wow, a patient acting more like a consumer is really at risk for succumbing to Regenerative Medicine “false news”.
If you want to learn more about the difference between the stem cell purveyors and a legitimate, FDA compliant, evidence based, cellular orthopedics initiative, call to schedule a consultation or to get a second opinion.
You may schedule a visit at (312) 475-1893
You may access my website and watch a webinar at www.ilcellulartherapy.com
Tags: arthritis, bone marrow, Celling, cellular orthopedics, Growth Factors, Hip pain, International Orthopedics Foundation, joint pain, knee arthritis, knee intervention, knee pain, lipogems, Micro-Fractured Adipose, Osteoarthritis, PRP, regenerative medicine, Regenexx, stem cells, Subchondroplasty