Special Announcement - Now Screening for FDA Approved Stem Cell Study
Dr. Mitchell Sheinkop has completed training and is credentialed for an FDA-approved stem cell clinical trial for knee arthritis. Our clinic is now screening patients for this trial. Contact us at 312-475-1893 for details. Click here to learn more.
Autologous Bone Marrow Concentrate for Osteoarthritic Knee

Autologous Bone Marrow Concentrate for Osteoarthritic Knee

The argument frequently advanced by orthopedic surgeons in response to a patient’s inquiry concerning stem cells for arthritis is that it is too early, there is not enough research, It is better to have a major surgical procedure. For those of you who have read my blog or have sought orthopedic consultation in my office, I have emphasized that my recommendations are evidence based. Each patient, for whom I have completed a cellular orthopedic intervention for arthritis, has been entered into a registry or clinical outcomes data base, IRB approved. Just as I pioneered the integration of clinical care with clinical research over 37 years as a joint replacement surgeon, so too do I now partake in the growth and development of the clinical pathways for regenerative medicine.

Last month, I exhibited a poster at a large regenerative medicine meeting wherein I shared my preliminary outcomes and thus educated other professionals using Intraarticular and Subchondral Bone Injection of Autologous Bone Marrow Concentrate and General Fluid Concentrate for Osteoarthritic Knees-A Prospective Clinical Study. Osteoarthritis is an organ disease that affects most structures of joints including cartilage, synovium and subchondral bone. Pathology in subchondral bone contributes to the initiation, progression and pain of Osteoarthritis. In previous European studies, the injection of autologous bone marrow concentrates into bone supporting the joint significantly relieved pain and improved function of the affected knee. The preliminary outcomes in the study that I presented via a poster exhibit, investigated the effectiveness of injections of Bone Marrow Concentrate with General Fluid Concentrate (Growth factors), into both the knee joint and the subchondral bone. The study recorded all the standard Endpoints I had previously used in joint replacement clinical outcomes trials.

Bone Marrow was collected from the pelvis and a filtration system allowed for concentration of Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Platelets, Precursor Cells and Growth factors such as A2M, IRAP, EGF, PDGF, TNF-B blocker, etc. After preparation, a mixture of Bone Marrow Concentrate and Growth factor Concentrate was injected into the bone (subchondral) and into the joint.

In the study, all patient injections went well and there were no complications. The Preliminary Results documented diminished pain and improved function. We concluded that injection of Bone Marrow Concentrate and Growth factor Concentrate into both the subchondral bone area and joint cavity significantly improved function of the affected knee joints and significantly reduced joint pain. While there are many stem cell providers to be found because of their marketing, choose the center of excellence in Cellular Orthopedics that is evidence based.

Call to schedule a scientific based consultation from an orthopedic surgeon 1 (312) 475-1893.

You may access my web site at www.SheinkopMD.com.

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Cellular Orthopedics, looking back and looking forward

Cellular Orthopedics, looking back and looking forward

Or as Dan Brown’s Origin explores, “Where did we come from, where are we going?”

It seems customary to make predictions at this time of year; but I want to begin by looking back four decades. It is more than reminiscence. Until managed health care was introduced into the marketplace undermining the doctor-patient relationship, a patient would make health care decisions for the most part based on the trust and confidence established with the family physician. Then came what was promoted as New Horizons of Health Care; mainly insurance based decision making. Hailed as the means of controlling spiraling health care costs, the doctor-patient relationship was no longer primary. The model changed health care decision making from a physician to a non-professional employee sitting in front of a computer and determining your care based on a cost containment paradigm. The next step in devolution was the appearance of Web MD and the like were in everyone thought they could become a physician and expert in some aspect of health care by simply clicking on a mouse. No need now for a physician or expert any longer; why bother with someone educated in medical school and struggling through a lengthy residency and then fellowship? Then appeared the next step in Gulliver’s Travels, further devolution or the opportunity for camp followers and charlatans to exploit the belief that marketing would outweigh evidence and science in a patient’s decision-making process.

Unfortunately, the FDA is only now beginning to police these amniotic fluid stem cell purveyors offering false hope. We have experienced a study process of lowering standards, further eroding norms, and peddling fiction.  Where are we going; where should you turn for orthopedic care?

Today, I am undergoing a cellular orthopedic intervention on my knees so as to assure my best possible performance when I fly fish, ski, cycle, and maintain my fitness profile in 2018. The process is an autologous therapy (from me to me), that I have wanted to bring to the United States since Kobe Bryant and many more travelled to Dusseldorf, Germany, to have completed over seven years ago. The promise is to do more than treat my knee pain; rather I hope to slow the progression of my Osteoarthritis with this cell-concentration system.  

The poet Robert Browning wrote a poem, Rabbi Ben Ezra, often cited as we age and I will quote the opening stanza here:

“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be”

You may read the entirety at the Poetry Foundation website. You may watch my webinar on my web site at www.Ilcellulartherapy.com. Call to schedule appointment (312) 475-1893.

Read this Blog to monitor my response to treatment

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On Cartilage Regeneration

Since we practice in an emerging discipline of Regenerative Medicine, how is regeneration determined? Cartilage repair should be evaluated with use of a scoring system that considers the volume of the defect that becomes filled with repair tissue, the integration of repair tissue with adjacent cartilage, and the macroscopic appearance and biomechanical properties of the repair site. The macroscopic assessment is particularly important in evaluating cartilage repair because it provides information about the quality of the full repair site compared to the incidental histological assessment which only evaluates a biopsy of the repair site.

If the aforementioned answer to my introductory question may seem scientifically oriented, that is purposeful on my part; because only those able to explain Regenerative Medicine on a clinical, technical and scientific basis should be caring for your arthritic joint.  

While an arthroscopic evaluation provides the best opportunity for a determination of joint regeneration 18 months or greater following a Bone Marrow or Platelet Rich Plasma or other cellular orthopedic intervention for arthritis, an invasive surgical evaluation is not realistic. For a quantitative MRI to assist in the assessment requires availability of a specialized imaging center and there are just too many variables to allow for dependable quantitation; expense is prohibitive. The most dependable and reproduceable means of measuring the arthritic or injured joint response to a cellular orthopedic intervention is a history and physical examination, the latter completed with a tape measure and goniometer as well as an activity assessment. By comparing a baseline measurement prior to an intervention and at serial intervals following the procedure, one may determine if regeneration is indeed taking place and thus establish clinical practice guidelines and determine Evidence Based Quality and Value.

Now for the real question, does cartilage regeneration need to take place on a macroscopic level for cellular orthopedics to succeed? New therapies such as bone marrow derived stem cells, growth factors and cytokines; platelet-rich plasma (PRP); and IRAP (interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein) first and foremost address the bio-immune basis of degenerative arthritis. By controlling the pain and eliminating inflammation; stopping the progression (at least slowing) of Osteoarthritis; reversing scarring, thus improving motion and function; and lastly, possibly regenerating cartilage for those in whom regeneration is possible. From the editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica: “Interleukin (IL), any of a group of naturally occurring proteins that mediate communication between cells. Interleukins regulate cell growth, differentiation, and motility. They are particularly important in stimulating immune responses, such as inflammation.”

Should our future blogs and discussions address not cartilage regeneration but rather reversing the proinflammatory cytokine production from the synovial lining of the inflamed knee? One such possible pharmacological treatment of OA is anticytokine therapy. Interleukin-1 (IL-1), as a main inflammatory and catabolic cytokine in the pathophysiology of OA, represents one of the possible treatment targets.  Koby Bryant was one of the first highly visible professional athletes who travelled to Germany over eight years ago for Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Protein intervention for an arthritic knee. Many, have followed including golfer Fred Couples for his problematic back.

If this Blog has introduced new considerations and questions, then let me clarify. Call 312 475 1893 to schedule an appointment. You may watch my webinar at www.Ilcellulartherapy.com

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Cellular Orthopedics, looking back and looking forward

The case for a repeat Bone Marrow Concentrate intervention

This week, I am repeating stem cell/growth factor interventions in two patients; one with arthritis of the
hip, and the other with osteoarthritis of both knees. Four years ago, at the initiation of my interventional
orthopedic practice, I spoke of adult mesenchymal stem cells alone but now we know that Bone Marrow
Concentrate has in addition to the adult mesenchymal stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells, growth
factors and platelets all playing a role in managing the symptoms and the altered functional impairment
attributable to osteoarthritis. The outgrowth is in new speak; namely, Bone Marrow Concentrate and not
just mesenchymal stem cells. When the two patients I alluded to were initially cared for, we had not yet
gained the understanding of the importance of platelets in the regenerative process. Platelets contain
the growth factors and those growth factors are responsible, in addition to Mesenchymal and
Hematopoietic Stem Cells, for regulating cartilage well-being. By having become aware of the
contribution following concentrated platelet rich plasma in conjunction with the bone marrow
concentrate intervention, I believe we are already seeing improved outcomes.

As well, subchondroplasty has been added to our menu of services and the latter is proving very
beneficial in the knee. To refresh your knowledge base, subchondroplasty is a procedure popularized in France where in bone marrow concentrate is injected into the bone marrow adjacent to a joint at the
same time that the stem cell, growth factors and platelet containing concentrate is intervention of the
joint itself is being completed. The value of intervening into the bone supporting the joint is the fact that
there is communication between the joint itself and the supportive subchondral environment. I have
addressed Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells many times in previous Blogs as the orchestrater of the
healing process. Now we know that Hemopoietic Stem Cells from the marrow contribute as well. Growth
Factors such as Interlukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Protein (IRAP) are present in bone marrow and
circulating blood; It was IRAP alone that extended the professional basketball career of Kobe Bryant by
seven years for an arthritic knee. With an improved means of extracting and activating the growth
factors contained in platelets, the two patients I introduced in the opening sentences of this blog should
enjoy a very satisfactory return to function and recreation.

Interventional Orthopedics is a dynamic process and I continue to learn from the integration of clinical
research and my clinical practice. On Thursday, I will host two very interested scientists dedicated to
customizing biologic preparations and together we will explore how to further leverage scientific
advancements in creating autologous biologic preparations thereby optimizing the practice of
Regenerative Medicine.
Call 312 475 1893 to schedule your consultation

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