Your Journey with an Arthritic Joint
Better stated, how do you bridge the gaps in the continuum of joint care from early intervention to joint replacement?
Arthritic Joint Pain Management
First and foremost, our goal is functional restoration and maintenance, relieving symptoms, and postponing, perhaps avoiding joint replacement. In the beginning, conservative measures might include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, weight reduction, physical therapy for strengthening muscles and preserving or restoring a full range of joint motion. At times, an unloader brace may be of benefit in settings where a joint shows early signs of mechanical changes such as a knock knee (valgus) or bowed leg (varus). In addition to the aforementioned measures, joint preservation is a major goal using such measures as Platelet Rich Plasma, Highly Cross-linked Hyaluronic Acid and Acellular Amniotic Fluid.
Within the Preservation Classification, there are multiple options available. Our evidence-based practice concentrates on those options in which we have done outcome research; as well as published our results in scientific journals. Only using evidence-based options allows us to provide the patient the highest chance of a successful outcome.
Cellular Therapy to Treat Joints
There are times in the continuum of care that the patient will present further along in the arthritic process so that Conserve and Preserve are no longer indicated. Joint Restoration is the next consideration that might or could go a long way in postponing or even avoiding a joint replacement. Autologous Growth Factor Solutions contain proteins circulating in your blood that potentially stops pain, and reverses the arthritic process at the molecular level in the joint. The ultimate Regenerative Orthopedic approach is stem cell mediated and bone marrow concentrate is the only FDA approved source of mesenchymal stem cells at this time. Your bone marrow is recovered by an outpatient aspiration procedure, the recovered bone marrow via a specially designed needle, (troachar), contains adult mesenchymal stem cells, exosomes, platelets, growth factors and precursor cells. When concentrated, your bone marrow is the richest source of joint restoration potential available to date. It is FDA approved as long as guidelines are adhered to; has no potential for disease transfer; and offers pain relief, return of motion and function, and postponement, perhaps avoidance of a joint replacement. Please note that I indicated “at this time.”
The Personalized Stem Cell trial in which I played a major role just concluded. The results are being analyzed. In the PSC Trial, the source of stem cells was adipose tissue, abdominal fat. When approved, Personalized Stem Cells will allow abdominal fat to serve as an alternative source of stem cells in addition to bone marrow on a clinical basis. The next advance will come following the FDA approval for the PSC trial of stem cell culturing. To stay informed, read my weekly blog. To schedule a consultation call (847)390-7666. You may visit my web site and attend a webinar at www.sheinkopmd.com
Tags: arthritic joint pain, arthritis, cellular therapy for arthritic joints, joint, joint pain, preventing joint replacements