Special Announcement - Now Screening for FDA Approved Stem Cell Study
Dr. Mitchell Sheinkop has completed training and is credentialed for an FDA-approved stem cell clinical trial for knee arthritis. Our clinic is now screening patients for this trial. Contact us at 312-475-1893 for details. Click here to learn more.
Superbowl Winner Emerges; Eight-Month Long Physical Demolition Derby Comes to an End

Superbowl Winner Emerges; Eight-Month Long Physical Demolition Derby Comes to an End

On Monday, the annual migration for attempts at the physical Restoration and Regeneration of the NFL players injured bodies began. While in the past, the losers would chant “wait ‘til next year”; very soon, the NFL winners and losers alike will take flight to Orthopedic Surgeons around the USA and world, on occasion, some will even find their way to my office, seeking both operative and non-operative repair of the injuries incurred over the last eight months. What I will offer is Regenerative and Restorative initiatives using either the patient’s bone marrow, circulating blood or body fat. While I use a needle and not a knife in my practice, at times it takes arthroscopy and open surgical procedures to assist the athlete in returning to play or extending a career.  The fall NFL 2019 schedule is already on line; there is a sense of urgency. These attempts at restoring and regenerating anatomic and physical well-being are not limited to the professional football player. To the best of my recollection, it was Tiger Woods in 2008, who brought regenerative medicine to the attention of the American public. When in 2011, Kobe Bryant traveled to Dusseldorf, Germany for a highly publicized orthobiologic treatment of his arthritic knee, returning to play for another six seasons, he was soon after followed by the professional golfer Fred Couples, baseball player Alex Rodriguez, and NFL star Payton Manning. All returned to their respective sport and extended playing careers; many more have followed. Now Cellular Orthopedics, Regenerative Medicine and Joint Restoration are available around our country as well as at my office for professional, college, high school, amateur athletes and fitness enthusiasts of any age.  

Orthobiologics and Cellular Orthopedics are a dynamic approach to body injury and arthritis using the individual’s own (autologous) platelets, molecules and proteins circulating in the blood (Cytokines and Growth factors), adipose tissue, or bone marrow to effect healing and eliminate pain. At this time, it is FDA Compliant to use such in the care and treatment of injury and arthritis as long as that which is to be used has been harvested from the patient herself or himself, not cultured or expanded, and not treated with additional agents. The successes are no longer merely anecdotal; there is an ever-increasing body of scientific evidence to validate the emerging discipline of Cellular Orthopedics. For instance, in my office, I integrate patient care with documenting outcomes and that has led to several recent scientific publications contributing to an evidence-based orthobiologics practice. You may find those publications and more at my web site  www.sheinkopmd.com.  To schedule a consultation call (312) 475-1893.

There is a way of still being an athlete and significantly reducing your risk of injury, take up esports. Marquette University is adding varsity esports, a competitive video gaming team in the fall of 2019. The team will have tryouts, coaches and regular practices just like any intercollegiate sport

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Osteoarthritis of the hip

Osteoarthritis of the hip

Hip osteoarthritis (OA) exerts a significant burden on society, affecting 3% of Americans aged >30 years. Recent advances in the understanding of the pathoanatomy and pathomechanics of the hip have led to treatment options for young adults with hip pain. Femoroacetabular impingement, specifically cam-type femoroacetabular impingement, hip dysplasia, and the sequelae of pediatric hip disease can predispose the hip to early OA. However, many patients with abnormal anatomic findings do not develop early OA, suggesting that there exist other patient characteristics that are protective despite abnormal bony anatomy. Outcome studies show that arthroscopic and open hip procedures improve pain and function in patients with symptomatic hips. However, there is currently limited evidence that these procedures extend the life of the patient’s natural hip. Additional studies are needed to determine protective or adaptive factors in patients with abnormal anatomy who do not develop early OA and to determine whether joint preserving hip surgery extends the life of the native hip joint.

Review Article:Natural History of Structural Hip Abnormalities and the Potential for Hip Preservation
James D. Wylie, Christopher L. Peters, Stephen Kenji Aoki

What makes the article so interesting to me is first, I played a role in training one of the authors in my earlier academic career. More important is the role I am now playing in helping to preserve the life of the hip joint with a needle instead of a knife and extending the life of the “native hip joint”. The latter is done via Cellular Orthopedics. By introducing Stem Cells, Platelets, Precursor Cells, and Growth Factors, I am now able to address arthritis at a Bio-Immune level, possibly regenerate cartilage, potentially influence healing of the torn acetabular labrum, certainly reverse the secondary inflammation and thereby diminish pain and improve function in the abnormal hip joint.

It takes an evaluation in my office including the history, a physical examination and my review of your hip images after which I am able to customize the Cellular Orthopedic intervention that will help with joint preservation and potentially, joint regeneration. Our Outcomes studies continue and it is the result of ongoing data collection that allows me to extend the life of your native hip. Call (312) 475 1893 to schedule a consultation. You may visit my web site at www.sheinkopmd.com

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Autologous Bone Marrow Concentrate for Osteoarthritic Knee

Autologous Bone Marrow Concentrate for Osteoarthritic Knee

The argument frequently advanced by orthopedic surgeons in response to a patient’s inquiry concerning stem cells for arthritis is that it is too early, there is not enough research, It is better to have a major surgical procedure. For those of you who have read my blog or have sought orthopedic consultation in my office, I have emphasized that my recommendations are evidence based. Each patient, for whom I have completed a cellular orthopedic intervention for arthritis, has been entered into a registry or clinical outcomes data base, IRB approved. Just as I pioneered the integration of clinical care with clinical research over 37 years as a joint replacement surgeon, so too do I now partake in the growth and development of the clinical pathways for regenerative medicine.

Last month, I exhibited a poster at a large regenerative medicine meeting wherein I shared my preliminary outcomes and thus educated other professionals using Intraarticular and Subchondral Bone Injection of Autologous Bone Marrow Concentrate and General Fluid Concentrate for Osteoarthritic Knees-A Prospective Clinical Study. Osteoarthritis is an organ disease that affects most structures of joints including cartilage, synovium and subchondral bone. Pathology in subchondral bone contributes to the initiation, progression and pain of Osteoarthritis. In previous European studies, the injection of autologous bone marrow concentrates into bone supporting the joint significantly relieved pain and improved function of the affected knee. The preliminary outcomes in the study that I presented via a poster exhibit, investigated the effectiveness of injections of Bone Marrow Concentrate with General Fluid Concentrate (Growth factors), into both the knee joint and the subchondral bone. The study recorded all the standard Endpoints I had previously used in joint replacement clinical outcomes trials.

Bone Marrow was collected from the pelvis and a filtration system allowed for concentration of Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Platelets, Precursor Cells and Growth factors such as A2M, IRAP, EGF, PDGF, TNF-B blocker, etc. After preparation, a mixture of Bone Marrow Concentrate and Growth factor Concentrate was injected into the bone (subchondral) and into the joint.

In the study, all patient injections went well and there were no complications. The Preliminary Results documented diminished pain and improved function. We concluded that injection of Bone Marrow Concentrate and Growth factor Concentrate into both the subchondral bone area and joint cavity significantly improved function of the affected knee joints and significantly reduced joint pain. While there are many stem cell providers to be found because of their marketing, choose the center of excellence in Cellular Orthopedics that is evidence based.

Call to schedule a scientific based consultation from an orthopedic surgeon 1 (312) 475-1893.

You may access my web site at www.SheinkopMD.com.

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Looking back to see the future of Cellular Orthopedics

My regenerative and restorative Cellular Orthopedics practice is for the most part, evidence based. By that I mean, the outcomes data collected over these past five years regarding the several thousand patients with skeletomuscular afflictions that I have treated with a selection of alternatives using a needle and not a knife is generally based on regenerative and restorative interventions. While not everyone has experienced a dramatic change in symptom relief and functional improvement, many have. The statistical outcomes evidence follows a bell shaped curve with some experiencing immediate improvement as I have in both my hips and knees, while most take several weeks or longer with a continuing improvement up to 18 months post intervention. While it is true that five percent of patients are not satisfied after several years and have gone on to a joint replacement, 95% of my patients are well satisfied and have returned to, or never quit doing what they love.

At the onset of my cellular orthopedic initiative, the interventions were solely based on Platelet Rich Plasma options and Bone Marrow Concentrate; today, our menu of services can be customized so as to meet the needs of all seeking to improve the quality of life and avoid a major surgical procedure. Not only can I concentrate PRP as needed, I can customize the concentration to meet a patient’s particular needs using hemo-analysis. Bone Marrow Concentrate rich in Adult Mesenchymal Stem cells, Platelets, Growth Factors and Precursor Cells is still the foundation of my practice, however for the past year, I am able to offer a Platelet Concentrate derived Growth Factor and Protein Solution option when indicated.

Then there are those whose co-morbidity or prescription medication dependency excludes them from the aforementioned autologous choice of options. As of this upcoming Tuesday, I have acquired an intervention technology that will help patients seeking to a void a total joint replacement who are not candidates for existing regenerative medial offerings. There are many reasons to explain a 5% failure rate including genetic cartilaginous variations, any bell shaped curve will have a small number who don’t pass the final examination. Incidentally, if and when such occurs, I offer another intervention frequently at no charge or certainly at a discounted rate.

Should you want to learn more or schedule a consultation, call
(312) 475-1896. You may visit my web site where you will find the webinar at www.Ilcellulartherapy.com.

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It’s been a busy week for our Cellular Orthopedic practice

On Wednesday, I completed several bone marrow concentrate procedures for patients with arthritic knees. You will recall that Concentrated Bone Marrow contains living Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Growth Factors, Platelets, Exosomes, Precursor Cells and more allowing for pain relief, improved function and possible regeneration in those afflicted by arthritis. In the afternoon, four patients underwent Autologous Platelet and Growth Factor interventions; two in the hip and two in their knees. An example of the outcome, now four months following intervention in my own knees and hips, I spent last weekend hiking along several spring creeks, fly fishing in Southwest Wisconsin in the morning and planting over 150 Lilly bulbs in the afternoon. Admittedly, I slept well on Saturday and Sunday night but visited the health club on these past Tuesday and Wednesday evenings for my fitness routines.

On Monday, we finalized and edited a manuscript reporting the results of 56 patients with arthritic knees, followed for 2 to 4 years having received Bone Marrow Concentrate. Using the same outcome metrics and statistical tabulation methods I had employed as a joint replacement surgeon, this study is one of the most significant trials ever completed and to be published in Cellular Orthopedics. Our study not only will help determine the indications for a “stem cell” procedure, but also assist in determining how long the benefits will last, and provide a road map for when adjunct or repeat interventions are indicated. Now the physician will be better prepared to help a patient decide between a Total Joint Replacement and a Cellular Orthopedic intervention on an evidence based knowledge.

I am writing this Blog while flying to San Jose, California where I am partaking in advanced training that will allow me to expand my regenerative medicine practice to the low back. Again and again, patients ask as to what I might offer to address low back pain and disc disease now that I have successfully intervened in an arthritic hip or knee. Indications and techniques for addressing the lumbar spine will make up the curriculum enabling me to add discogenic and degenerative arthritic conditions of the low back to my scope of regenerative care by mid May.

To the patient who called, “I heard through the grapevine that it doesn’t work”, you may avoid falling victim to the Fake Stem Cell claims in newspaper ads or via celebrity testimonials; those in amniotic fluid are dead on arrival to you. Seek scientific evidence at (312) 475-1893 or learn more on my web site where you may watch my webinar www.Ilcellulartherapy.com.

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