Apr 20, 2017
My clinical practice mission is to use autologous concentrated marrow-derived mononuclear cells for the care and treatment of a joint afflicted by degenerative arthritis so as to assist a patient in postponing, perhaps avoiding a joint replacement. I then follow the patient using osteoarthritis outcome scores to measure pain control, activity improvement, and quality of life impact. The knee society score, an orthopedic surgeon’s vehicle, (KSS) also demonstrates a significant improvement of on the symptoms subscale and function subscale in most patients who undergo a Bone Marrow Concentrate procedure in my office. What about Stem Cells? Please note at the end of the first sentence and the beginning of the second, my emphasis on autologous concentrated marrow-derived mononuclear cells; not “Stem Cells”. That bone marrow concentrate is made up of Platelets, Growth Factors, and Mononucleated cells. It has been estimated that somewhere between .0017% and .034% of the mononucleated cells are actually adult mesenchymal stem cells. My point is that when you see the ads for stem cells on the many web sites, in the print media and now on outdoor advertising signs as the one I noticed on Clinton and Monroe in Chicago this past Monday, you may fall victim to marketing and not science. Chiropractors, non-board certified physicians, family practitioners and the entire realm of camp followers have embraced the exploding discipline of Regenerative Medicine. Patient beware as I point out in the next paragraph using a recently published study from the Mayo Clinic.
Many patients come to Mayo Clinic for a second opinion or diagnosis confirmation before treatment for a complex condition. In a new study, Mayo Clinic reports that as many as 88 percent of those patients go home with a new or refined diagnosis – changing their care plan and potentially their lives. Conversely, only 12 percent receive confirmation that the original diagnosis was complete and correct. Given what I have seen evolving in the field of Regenerative Medicine, I am not surprised. Few practices offering “Stem Cells” have any idea what is involved and what is in the bone marrow concentrate. Many mislead the public with a stem cell presentation using amniotic fluid product wherein it has repeatedly demonstrated there is an absence of stem cells in amniotic fluid once processed, frozen and fast thawed. What about adipose derived stem cells? For one, to liberate the stem cell from the adipocyte, there has to be a cycle of enzymatic degradation. The latter violates FDA requirements. What about platelets and growth factors in adipose derived materials? Given the relative absence of blood supply in fat, I have yet to find a scientific publication suggesting there are growth factors in adipose tissue.
The cover story in the April 2017 AARP.ORG/Bulletin is titled “How to Stop Fraud, The Ultimate Guide to Protect Yourself from Scammers and Crooks” While not directed to Regenerative Medicine, the warning applies. As suggested by the Mayo Clinic referenced article above, the best protection is a second opinion.
To schedule call: 312 475-1893
You may visit my web site at www.SheinkopMD.com
Or watch my webinar at www.ilcellulartherapy.com
Tags: Benefits and Risk, Bone Marrow Concentrate, Orthopedic Surgeon, Regenerative, regenerative medicine, Regenexx-SD, stem cell treatment
Sep 27, 2016
I challenge the reader with this question because it becomes apparent, even the majority of the medical community can’t provide an accurate answer. There are all kinds of claims and statements running rampant; so today, I will try to make some order out of chaos. Let me begin with the patient who repeats what they have been told by their orthopedic surgeon, stem cells don’t work. My response, “for what?” Oh yes they do if you understand where, when, how and why?
Bone marrow has several categories of molecules, cells and vesicles; anti-inflammatory cytokines, adult mesenchymal stem cells and growth factors. The cytokines are a group of molecules that address the inflammation associated with osteoarthritis and thereby relieve pain. The stem cells orchestrate regeneration of cartilage and the joint; while growth factors actually alter the bio-immune process of osteoarthritis. Working together, bone marrow content, when concentrated, has the ability to relieve pain, improve motion, restore function, slow or halt the progression of arthritis and possibly regenerate the joint.
When the patient last Friday repeated that her orthopedic surgeon had told her stem cells don’t work, my response was he is right, there is no chance of regenerating cartilage in a 78 year old woman. Yet the procedure would still be worthwhile as a long term pain reliever and the potential to improve function and postpone, or even avoid, a joint replacement. While regeneration of cartilage is realistic under age 50, pain relief, improved function and better motion is probable at any age for those who chose to undergo a Bone Marrow Concentrate procedure for grades 2 and 3 osteoarthritis.
Three weeks ago, I completed a procedure on a 93 year old man who hadn’t been able to get out of his wheelchair since April. Last week, his wife reported he was walking down the block with the aid of the walker. Three years ago, I completed a bone marrow concentrate stem cell procedure on a 39 year old marathon runner who had stopped competing six months earlier because of knee pain from early onset degenerative arthritis. As of last month, he had competed in 17 marathons since his intervention.
So, if you want to run, walk, bike, ski, and live pain free, call for a consultation.
Tags: arthritis, athletes, Benefits and Risk, bone marrow, Bone Marrow Concentrate, Hip Replacement, Interventional Orthopedics, joint replacement, Knee, Knee Pain Relief, Mature Athlete, medicine, Orthopedic Care, Orthopedic Surgeon, Orthopedics, Osteoarthritis, Pain Management, Regenerative, Regenexx, Regenexx-SD, stem cells, treatment
Sep 20, 2016
Last week, a patient called and cancelled her scheduled Bone Marrow Concentrate Regenexx SD Stem cell procedure declaring that she had found a less expensive provider for stem cells. I wished her well and devoted some time to trying to better understand the price range posted on the internet for the Regenexx SD procedure. While I couldn’t really get a grasp on the geographic differences in costs, I did realize the chaos and confusion potential of trying to compare apples and oranges. The Regenexx SD Stem cell procedure is the gold standard in the emerging world of Cellular Orthopedics (Regenerative Medicine). There is a seven year outcomes data base supporting the safety and efficacy of the Regenexx methodology. We have been monitoring the successful outcomes of our procedures for a longer time and with the most detailed, reproducible criteria in the field. If you look at non Regenexx websites, you frequently find our outcomes data reproduced (many times without permission).
The Regenexx mission statement is to get the patient back to things he or she loves faster and without surgery. The actual preparation for the procedure, the harvesting and processing of the bone marrow and the follow up management is proprietary in nature; that’s why price shopping doesn’t work. If it isn’t a Regenexx SD procedure, it is a generic knockoff and you will really minimize the chance of success. There are several Regenerative Medicine practices outside of Regenexx in the Midwest; yesterday, a patient called to schedule a Regenexx SD procedure after having gone elsewhere for less cost and experienced the anticipated unsatisfactory outcome.
This is not cookie cutter technology. The harvesting of the bone marrow cannot be from a single site or you risk a marked diminution in the number of adult mesenchymal stem cells harvested. The amount of bone marrow harvested must meet the quantitative requirements for maximum benefit. The simple recovery of 10 ccs of bone marrow is doomed to fail yet the latter is frequent in some settings so as to minimize charges. Then there is the proprietary system of concentrating and processing only available through Regenexx. Last of all, the counting of cells is not a futile exercise as suggested by the “knock off” clinics. We are able to sense success in numbers.
To determine if you are a candidate for stem cell management of your arthritis, you need to make an appointment. A telephone interview doesn’t do it nor does my looking at your images. The determinant is based on my intake and my experience. There are patients whose needs are better served by a joint replacement. If you do meet the inclusion criteria for management for your arthritis with stem cells, there is no better alternative than the Regenexx SD intervention
312 475 1893 to schedule an appointment.
Tags: arthritis, athletes, Benefits and Risk, bone marrow, Bone Marrow Concentrate, Hip Replacement, Interventional Orthopedics, joint replacement, Knee Pain Relief, Mature Athlete, medicine, Orthopedic Care, Orthopedic Surgeon, Orthopedics, Osteoarthritis, Pain Management, Regenerative, Regenexx, Regenexx-SD, stem cells, treatment
Sep 12, 2016
First of all, let me expand on the concept of Regenerative Medicine at times also understood as Cellular Orthopedics or Stem Cell therapy. Cells with stem cell properties are present in bone marrow, the peripheral circulatory system, adipose tissue, synovial tissue, muscle tissue, and tendon. At this time, the FDA allows point-of-care bone marrow aspirate intervention for arthritis. From a clinical standpoint, the stem cell concentrate of bone marrow aspirate is technique-dependent and I have found it to be an ever increasingly important factor of therapeutic benefit. When it comes to Adipose-Derived Stem cells, use of these products places risk upon the clinician and the patient because they do not meet the criteria of homologous use and are not autologous. Enter the latest interest in amniotic fluid concentrate with all the marketing hype. As of this time, to the best of my knowledge, there is no clinical outcomes science to justify such use. I should know as I am the Principal Investigator in the largest Clinical Trial involving amniotic fluid for arthritis ever undertaken.
Next, the reader should understand that Osteoarthritis is graded, not all OA is the same. To qualify for a Regenerative Medicine procedure, the degree of arthritis must not exceed grade three based on Imaging and Physical Examination. The standard grading system is termed the Kellgren-Lawrence Scale in which the X-ray image is scored. The physical examination is also taken into account to confirm that the extent of degenerative deformity has not exceeded inclusion criteria.
Now let me explain how Stem Cell intervention is accomplished in my setting, who may benefit, and when Regenerative Medicine is not a reasonable option. Actually if you watch my Webinar,
you will better understand.
What are a patient’s options when a first intervention isn’t long lasting? Assume if you will that you have not realized the outcome that would be satisfying to you and rewarding to your interventional orthopedic specialist; there are two options:
Repeat Stem Cell Procedure
I have had at least ten patients in my practice who ultimately reached their goals after a repeat Bone marrow stem cell intervention
Joint Replacement
While it is a procedure that we seek to postpone, perhaps even avoid with a Regenerative Medicine intervention, stem cell procedures do not burn bridges
After watching my webinar, to learn more or schedule an appointment call 312 475 1893
Tags: Amniotic, arthritis, athletes, Benefits and Risk, bone marrow, Bone Marrow Concentrate, Clinical Studies, Clinical Trial. Mitchell B. Sheinkop, Hip Replacement, Interventional Orthopedics, Knee Pain Relief, Mature Athlete, medicine, Orthopedic Care, Orthopedic Surgeon, Orthopedics, Osteoarthritis, Pain Management, Pilot Study, Regenerative, Regenexx, Regenexx-SD, treatment
Sep 1, 2016
You may be the first to see the preview
A web-i-nar according to the dictionary, is a seminar that takes place over the internet.
Dr. Sheinkop’s Webinar on Regenerative Medicine
While not yet ready for prime time, it will go live in 45 days, but readers of this Blog may view it now by clicking the above. My purpose in creating this educational endeavor is and was to better inform the prospective patient as to the scope of my regenerative practice, to allow the new patient to become better informed, and to facilitate review of the informed consent process should you chose to avail yourself of my services. The webinar plays for about 30 minutes but you don’t have to watch it all in a single session. One of the advantages of this form of communication is watching at your own convenience plus the option to return as you chose.
In planning and editing this undertaking, I took into account that which I have experienced over a four year plus regenerative medicine practice emphasizing and repeating wherever I deemed appropriate. The majority of the patients I treat present with grades two and three osteoarthritis of one or two joints. Of over a thousand I have treated, the majority have received Bone Marrow Concentrate/Stem Cell approach. For those who present in an earlier stage of osteoarthritis no longer responding to cortisone and hyaluronic acid, I do explain the Multicenter Amniotic Fluid Concentrate Clinical Trial for which I am the Principal Investigator. By the same token, for those patients who have advanced arthritic changes, that is grade four, and who otherwise would require a total joint replacement, I cover cellular orthopedic options as well although not necessarily bone marrow derived. One major possibility in the webinar format once accessed through the internet will be the opportunity to post questions and I will do my best to respond in 24 to 48 hours. Another area of explanation is the subchondroplasty for which there continues to be increasing evidence that both intraarticular (inside the joint) and extra-articular (the bone supporting the joint) options should be employed when treating arthritis of a major joint. I want to emphasize, the main treatment on which I base my practice is Bone Marrow Concentrate containing stem cells, anti-inflammatory Cytokines and Growth Factors owing to the potential to regenerate the joint, eliminate or reduce pain and increase functional capacity while, on a molecular basis, halting, maybe reversing the arthritic process.
Tags: arthritis, athletes, Benefits and Risk, bone marrow, Clinical Studies, Clinical Trial. Mitchell B. Sheinkop, Concentrated Stem Cell Plasma, Hip Replacement, Interventional Orthopedics, joint replacement, Knee, Orthopedic Care, Orthopedic Surgeon, Osteoarthritis, Pain Management, Regenerative, Regenexx-SD, stem cells, treatment