Feb 4, 2019
On Monday, the annual migration for attempts at the physical Restoration and Regeneration of the NFL players injured bodies began. While in the past, the losers would chant “wait ‘til next year”; very soon, the NFL winners and losers alike will take flight to Orthopedic Surgeons around the USA and world, on occasion, some will even find their way to my office, seeking both operative and non-operative repair of the injuries incurred over the last eight months. What I will offer is Regenerative and Restorative initiatives using either the patient’s bone marrow, circulating blood or body fat. While I use a needle and not a knife in my practice, at times it takes arthroscopy and open surgical procedures to assist the athlete in returning to play or extending a career. The fall NFL 2019 schedule is already on line; there is a sense of urgency. These attempts at restoring and regenerating anatomic and physical well-being are not limited to the professional football player. To the best of my recollection, it was Tiger Woods in 2008, who brought regenerative medicine to the attention of the American public. When in 2011, Kobe Bryant traveled to Dusseldorf, Germany for a highly publicized orthobiologic treatment of his arthritic knee, returning to play for another six seasons, he was soon after followed by the professional golfer Fred Couples, baseball player Alex Rodriguez, and NFL star Payton Manning. All returned to their respective sport and extended playing careers; many more have followed. Now Cellular Orthopedics, Regenerative Medicine and Joint Restoration are available around our country as well as at my office for professional, college, high school, amateur athletes and fitness enthusiasts of any age.
Orthobiologics and Cellular Orthopedics are a dynamic approach to body injury and arthritis using the individual’s own (autologous) platelets, molecules and proteins circulating in the blood (Cytokines and Growth factors), adipose tissue, or bone marrow to effect healing and eliminate pain. At this time, it is FDA Compliant to use such in the care and treatment of injury and arthritis as long as that which is to be used has been harvested from the patient herself or himself, not cultured or expanded, and not treated with additional agents. The successes are no longer merely anecdotal; there is an ever-increasing body of scientific evidence to validate the emerging discipline of Cellular Orthopedics. For instance, in my office, I integrate patient care with documenting outcomes and that has led to several recent scientific publications contributing to an evidence-based orthobiologics practice. You may find those publications and more at my web site www.sheinkopmd.com. To schedule a consultation call (312) 475-1893.
There is a way of still being an athlete and significantly reducing your risk of injury, take up esports. Marquette University is adding varsity esports, a competitive video gaming team in the fall of 2019. The team will have tryouts, coaches and regular practices just like any intercollegiate sport
Tags: arthritis, athletes, autologous, avascular necrosis, bone marrow, cellular orthopedics, cytokines, esports, Growth Factors, injury, joint pain, joint replacement, joint restoration, knee pain, meniscus tear, MSC, OA, orthobiologic, Orthopedic Surgeon, Osteoarthritis, Pain Management, pain reduction, patyon manning, platelets, PRP, sports injury, sports medicine, stem cells, superbowl, surgery, tiger woods, torn labrum
Dec 5, 2018
As interest in biologic therapies for arthritis-a needle, not a knife-continues to expand; patients increasingly are turning to the ads in newspapers or searching the Internet to gather information on this topic. While there is still a lack of scientific consensus on the use of biologics, it is most important for those seeking information not to be misled. My own analysis of resources for patients seeking on line information about biologic therapies for arthritis is that the overall quality is very poor and anything but scientific. Even worse, is a seminar, neither a reliable or credible source of scientific evidence.
Biologic therapies consist of stem cells, platelet rich plasma product and bone marrow aspirate concentrate. New research, I co-authored and that was published last month in The American Journal of Orthopedics: Safety and Efficacy of Micro-Fractured Adipose Tissue for Knee Arthritis, is indicative of the ever-evolving nature of Regenerative Medicine. Biologic therapies and their use in arthritis or musculoskeletal injury in general are an area of vast research and interest within the medical field. Understanding the information online and the misinformation provided at seminars pertaining to biologics allows me to tailor my conversation and address commonly found inaccuracies.
The use of Biologic Therapies is expected to significantly increase in the coming years as our knowledge advances on the use of such. That initiative will be led by well informed, well-educated Board Certified, and Fellowship trained specialists. Unfortunately owing to the relative lack of oversite at present, every type of charlatan, parasite and camp follower can buy an ad for a seminar or produce a web site on the internet. How then should a patient with pain and limited function from arthritis seek to postpone or avoid surgery without becoming a victim of the cord blood or amniotic fluid hoax?
- Your physician must complete a comprehensive medical history, physical examination and review of diagnostic studies.
- Explain the disease process and grade of progression,
- Discuss possible treatment options,
- Present a balanced assessment of the current scientific evidence.
Woe, while writing this Blog, I was just notified about acceptance of yet another scientific article by a peer reviewed medical journal in which I am the senior author: A Specific Protocol of Autologous Bone Marrow Concentrate and Platelet Products Versus Exercise Therapy for Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis; a Randomized Control Trial with 2 Year Follow-up.
Hopefully some time soon, a Biologic Arthroplasty will be possible; but until then, a Total Joint Replacement is still a necessary option for those not meeting specified inclusion criteria for biologics. To see what treatments may be possible for your arthritic generated pain call (312) 475-1893 to schedule a consultation. Visit my website www.SheinkopMD.com for additional information.
Tags: Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells, amniotic fluid, ankle pain, arthritic pain, autologous bone marrow concentrate, biologic, biologics, cellular orthopedics, Cord blood, Hip pain, injury, joint pain, knee pain, lipogems, Osteoarthritis, PRP, regenerative medicine, rupture, shoulder pain, sports injury, stem cell, tear, tendinitis
Aug 21, 2018
It is my belief and practice that each patient has full understanding of his or her orthopedic condition, its implications, the various options for treatment, and the expected outcome of each treatment. As a basic principle of bioethics, respect for autonomy recognizes an individual person’s right to live that life consistent with personal needs, desires and morality.
Stepping away from the lectern, let me share with you my motivation for the theme running through this blog. I have two arthritic hips, two arthritic knees and one arthritic low back. On Sunday, two of us completed a 35-mile, arduous bike ride from Chicago’s Lincoln Park, stopping for coffee at the northern end of Glencoe and returning home making for a four-hour effort. 12 hours earlier, Sharon and I had danced the night away at the wedding of one of my part time staff members. As an aside, we long ago decided we would never become the older guests at an event that sat out the evening watching the younger crowd shaking their booty to KC and the Sunshine Band. While it is easier for me to write about others and their recreation, athletic and fitness pursuits; even tough more difficult, I wanted to share with my readers what is possible with cellular orthopedic interventions such as I have received. None of this would have been possible prior to my joint preservation and restoration procedures eight months ago.
Stepping back up to the lectern, all too often, a patient will share with me a statement from an initial orthopedic surgical visit in which he or she was subjected to the outdated practice of paternalism, in which that physician dictated the “best” treatment; for arthritis, probably a total joint replacement. Another bioethical principle is one of beneficence; the latter obligates the physician to help the patient do well. This requires the physician to have a knowledge of the expected outcomes of each treatment. Just as a certain restaurant chain’s tagline is “we have the meats”, one of the best reasons for seeking a cellular orthopedic intervention in my practice is we have the outcomes data for each cellular orthopedic intervention we offer.
Nonmaleficence simply means that physicians should not harm their patients. This is why we have an FDA; yet the plethora of claims for umbilical cord blood, Wharton’s jelly, amniotic fluid, the latter all without proper scientific clinical outcomes or living stem cells when thawed and injected violates the concept of primum non nocere, first do no harm.
If you want to learn more about Cellular Orthopedic interventions to help you postpone or avoid a major surgical procedure, call (312) 475-1893 to schedule a consultation. You may visit my website at www.sheinkopmd.com
Tags: cellular orthopedic, joint pain, PRP, regenerative medicine, sports injury, sports medicine, stem cell
Aug 16, 2018
From the front page of the September, 2018 issue of GOLF “This Tiger is for real. He’s faster, sharper-and an up-and-down machine.” Then, from the September/October issue of Tennis, “Juan Martin del Potro He’s back…. and ready to once again conquer”. His once promising career was reaching the end owing to wrist injuries. Quoting Del Potro in the article “one doctor would say something to me; another would say something different. It was difficult to believe one or the other”; however, he demanded excellence and eventually found it
I could go on citing and quoting from all sports and recreational resources but you get the idea. These are recovery and come back examples of what motivated individuals may accomplish. Now, if you tune in to upcoming US Open later this month, you will be able to follow Rafael Nadal, another super athlete who was able to return to compete at the top of his game owing to cellular orthopedics for several potentially career ending injuries over recent years. I could go on with the examples in each and every recreational pursuit or from those who wished to regain a pain free and very active life even if not at the aforementioned level of demand. Suffice it to say, the common denominator for those with skeletomuscular restrictions is a combination of physical training, mental motivation and timely medical care.
You can put some of this Tiger in your tank and reignite your enjoyment of activities at any level if arthritic or traumatic injury of your bone and joints is holding you back. The new world, (actually it is not so new anymore) of Cellular Orthopedics may allow for a return to a virtually unlimited lifestyle with a needle instead of a knife. I choose to define myself as a Cellular Orthopedist so a patient might not be trapped in the web of so called regenerative medicine specialists. An orthopedic surgeon has dedicated many years to understand the musculoskeletal system whereas a regenerative medicine clinic frequently is populated by those who attended a two-day training seminar. While my own recreational pursuits and fitness profile is far removed from those of the famous professionals noted earlier in this blog, following cellular orthopedic interventions into my own knees in December of 2017, and for my hips in January, 2018, I returned to skiing last winter, cycling and fly fishing this summer, and I am able to enjoy a full fitness commitment in doing my part to maintain the highest possible level of performance.
You may access my website at WWW.SheinkopMD.com or call (312) 475-1893 to schedule a consultation.
Tags: BMC, Bone Marrow Concentrate, cellular orthopedis, golfers elbow, injection, Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP, regenerative medicine, sports injury, stemcell, tendon repair, tendon tear, tennis elbow