Stem Cells and Golf, Tennis, Swimming, Boating, Fitness, Cycling, Skiing, etc., etc., etc.
From the front page of the September, 2018 issue of GOLF “This Tiger is for real. He’s faster, sharper-and an up-and-down machine.” Then, from the September/October issue of Tennis, “Juan Martin del Potro He’s back…. and ready to once again conquer”. His once promising career was reaching the end owing to wrist injuries. Quoting Del Potro in the article “one doctor would say something to me; another would say something different. It was difficult to believe one or the other”; however, he demanded excellence and eventually found it
I could go on citing and quoting from all sports and recreational resources but you get the idea. These are recovery and come back examples of what motivated individuals may accomplish. Now, if you tune in to upcoming US Open later this month, you will be able to follow Rafael Nadal, another super athlete who was able to return to compete at the top of his game owing to cellular orthopedics for several potentially career ending injuries over recent years. I could go on with the examples in each and every recreational pursuit or from those who wished to regain a pain free and very active life even if not at the aforementioned level of demand. Suffice it to say, the common denominator for those with skeletomuscular restrictions is a combination of physical training, mental motivation and timely medical care.
You can put some of this Tiger in your tank and reignite your enjoyment of activities at any level if arthritic or traumatic injury of your bone and joints is holding you back. The new world, (actually it is not so new anymore) of Cellular Orthopedics may allow for a return to a virtually unlimited lifestyle with a needle instead of a knife. I choose to define myself as a Cellular Orthopedist so a patient might not be trapped in the web of so called regenerative medicine specialists. An orthopedic surgeon has dedicated many years to understand the musculoskeletal system whereas a regenerative medicine clinic frequently is populated by those who attended a two-day training seminar. While my own recreational pursuits and fitness profile is far removed from those of the famous professionals noted earlier in this blog, following cellular orthopedic interventions into my own knees in December of 2017, and for my hips in January, 2018, I returned to skiing last winter, cycling and fly fishing this summer, and I am able to enjoy a full fitness commitment in doing my part to maintain the highest possible level of performance.
You may access my website at or call (312) 475-1893 to schedule a consultation.
Tags: BMC, Bone Marrow Concentrate, cellular orthopedis, golfers elbow, injection, Platelet Rich Plasma, PRP, regenerative medicine, sports injury, stemcell, tendon repair, tendon tear, tennis elbow