Last week, I assessed three different patients for Cellular Orthopedic joint restoration; and each patient asked about the reason behind my fee schedules? One patient had told me of a friend who had attended a seminar by the Stem Cell Institutes of America and who was quoted a fee somewhat lower than my charges. As I have previously emphasized, the Stem cell Institutes of America use Amniotic Fluid that is concentrated and once processed and thawed, has no viable stem cells or regenerative potential. There may be proteins that survive but basically, a patient receives an injection of hyaluronic acid that cushions the joint for up to six months at best and for which there is no supportive outcomes data.
The second patient had been quoted a fee for cord blood. The latter is provided in frozen form and much of the value is lost during the thawing process. While significantly less costly than a bone marrow concentrate and growth factor concentrate intervention, there is no outcomes data to support usage. The FDA has warned against the use of “stem Cells” derived from anyone or anything other than your own (autologous). So if amniotic fluid and cord blood did deliver viable stem cells, their use would be contrary to FDA guidelines; but let’s move on since neither has living cells when thawed.
Then there are the adipose derived globules, notice I didn’t use the term stem cells. Fat globules are prepared after liposuction and the fat is mechanically broken down but the stem cells aren’t released. In order to release stem cells from the fat, the tissue has to be treated with collagenase. The FDA prohibits use of collagenase in fat unless it is for a cosmetic indication.
My knowledge base is the result of first having completed three clinical trials using Amniotic Fluid for arthritis and in each trial, the outcomes were not satisfactory after six months. I next traveled to Southern California to investigate cord blood. I was skeptical at best but tried the product in three knees, all with very unsatisfactory results. Two years ago, I completed a clinical trial on a mechanically derived adipose based product; the manuscript for that study was accepted by highly regarded orthopedic journal and will be published later this year.
When all is said and done, you may save money with the bottom feeders who advertise and market without data or outcomes to support their claims or you can avail yourself of my knowledge, expertise and statically proven outcomes. To schedule a consultation, call 847 390 7666. You may visit my web site at
Tags: amniotic fluid, Cord blood, joint pain, joint restoration, regenerative medicine, stem cell