I read the TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2012, the ATLANTIC article by Timothy Caulfield and he is on target. “Media Cheerleading is misleadingly legitimizing the booming ‘stem cell tourism’ industry” and I agree. Professional athletes aren’t the only ones leaving our country for stem cell therapy; many chronically ill patients are doing the same thing. The ultimate question is when does the evidence justify the procedure? Do we have to wait for a mound of scientific evidence or may an experienced, credentialed physician and one patient make an informed decision together? What really amazes me is that the Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate procedure as advocated via Regenexx and others for orthopedic conditions in the US offers a more comprehensive approach via Regenerative Orthopedics than that for which the athletes are traveling outside of the country and yet they still seek out that stem cell tourism
Let me review some of my preliminary data we have recorded in our Concentrated Stem Cell Plasma (C-SCP) and Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC) outcomes surveillance.
Number of Cases: Hip——–12
Number of Cases: Knee—— 62
Number of Cases: Shoulder—2
The procedure as performed in Europe that has received the most media exposure is termed IRAP or Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Protein. The IRAP theory is that Interleukin 1 (IL-1) causes inflammation and that Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist Protein (IRAP) will bind with the cell and thus block the IL-1 from causing pain. In the normal state, IL-1 and IL-1Ra are in a state of balance. In Osteoarthritis, IL-1 is no longer kept in check by natural levels of IL-1Ra. While it may serve as an anti-inflammatory, Il-1Ra has no possible influence on cartilage repair. Not only does BMAC contain IL-1Ra, eight additional Growth Factors have been described that signal mesenchymal stem cells to migrate and divide. There are now 947 published articles confirming cartilage repair with Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
If I have provided too much information and you are confused, I apologize. Try rereading my Blog as it may take three readings before you decipher the information. It is important though that you as a potential patient understand old fashioned “Made in the USA” Adult Autologous Mesenchymal Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cells offer the best chance of postponing or avoiding a total joint replacement.
Corrections in my Blog posted Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Spelling of Kobe Bryant. Misuse of ad when add was appropriate. Failure to use a closing parenthesis after the word retirement. My self imposed deadline and related hurry led to grammatical error for which I take full responsibility just as I do for the content of this Blog
Corrections in my Blog posted Tuesday, October 23rd
Spelling of Kobe Bryant. Misuse of ad when add was appropriate. Failure to use a closing parenthesis after the word retirement. My self imposed deadline and related hurry led to grammatical error for which I take full responsibility just as I do for the content of this Blog