Most of you are probably old enough to remember Sargent Joe Friday on the radio and then the TV detective series, Dragnet. His calling card: “just tell me the facts”. Over the past several weeks, I have been confronted with a significant healthcare issue as so many men are after age 55. My specialist provider sent me for test after test and then finally scheduled me for his treatment choice for my situation. I did keep the initial appointment with the next subspecialist who then mapped out a treatment protocol that was to start in 72 hours. I started having reservations about the proposed and scheduled treatment protocol; and, decided to seek a second opinion. This past Monday, at the second opinion, I was given the facts and outcome data concerning several treatment options for my situation based on scientific evidence. The informed consent process resulted in my choosing a different treatment protocol than that which had originally been mandated.
I write about this to encourage the reader to ask for evidence-based outcomes data in the Regenerative Medicine decision-making process whether it be which physician or what treatment. There are choices to be made when a patient with a painful joint and limited function opts for a Regenerative Medicine “stem cell” intervention. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons has undertaken a Biologics Initiative to deliver accurate, evidence-based information. This is with my own outcomes research, the latter has resulted in scientific publications providing leadership and guidance to the emerging Regenerative Medicine subspecialty. Thus, I am able to assure my patients that all recommended care is based on outcomes data; and they will not fall victim to fake news or media hype from the newest opportunists in the marketplace.
What are your alternatives in Regenerative Medicine/Stem Cell care for an arthritic, symptomatic, function-limiting joint? They fall under the following categories:
1) Platelet Rich Plasma
2) Bone Marrow Concentrate
3) Adipose Tissue
Within the aforementioned categories, there are many subgroups, approaches, and kits available for processing the preparation to be injected. I am aware that there are other alternatives advertised for use in Cellular Orthopedics, in general, they are not FDA-compliant at this time.
When all is said and done, when choosing a Regenerative Medicine Option, which alternative is best?
Call (312) 475-1893 to schedule a consultation after which I will be best able to make a recommendation. You may visit my website at