“Haven’t spoken with you in a few months so I thought you might be interested to hear about my knees since the January injections. Things are definitely better. The most important of which is my really bad left knee doesn’t lock up when I roll over in bed. It hurt so bad that it used to wake me up. That’s completely gone. As is the swelling even after walking 18 holes of golf and riding my bike 20 miles. It’s not completely without pain though. It tightens up. But I never have any residual pain in the mornings, even after walking 10 miles and cycling 70!
So, I just started a vegan diet. Was told by my new doctor (she’s in Chicago and does this concierge thing) that it’s anti-inflammatory and might help me get off cholesterol medicine. So far, it’s eliminating my knee pain and I’ve only been at it a week! Fingers crossed. I’ll let you know how things go. It’s not easy being vegan, but certainly easier in SF with a vegetarian wife than it would be in Chicago with a meat eater for a mate! Thanks again.”
Earlier this week, I received this message from a patient who I have been caring for over the last 24 months. It is very rewarding to my team and me when I learn about continued improvement following the initiation of cellular orthopedic interventions as an alternative to a major joint surgical reconstruction with the inherent risks of an adverse outcome. My practice is Outcome Focused based with a serious commitment to the clinical research required to continually confirm the efficacy of our menu of services. It is important that I maintain a leadership role in advancing the clinical science of the regenerative products that I use in my practice. As I have written before and about which I am constantly reminded, the regenerative process requires time. Sometimes it requires weeks and sometimes it takes months. On occasion, it may require more than one intervention.
The testimonial this week suggests a change in diet allowed my patient to discontinue statins with a resultant significant diminution in pain. Many patients inquire about supplements and foods that may make a difference. In addition, I find that those who partake in athletics and fitness, also contribute to their well-being and success of a regenerative intervention.
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Tags: arthritis, Bone Marrow Concentrate, Interventional Orthopedics, stem cells