Special Announcement - Now Screening for FDA Approved Stem Cell Study
Dr. Mitchell Sheinkop has completed training and is credentialed for an FDA-approved stem cell clinical trial for knee arthritis. Our clinic is now screening patients for this trial. Contact us at 312-475-1893 for details. Click here to learn more.

Dr. Sheinkop, Chicago, IL Knee Specialist For Cellular Orthopedic Treatment For Arthritis And Joint Pain

Get Back To An Active Lifestyle With Dr. Sheinkop, Our Chicago, IL Knee Specialist For Cellular Orthopedic Treatment For Arthritis And Joint Pain

cellular orthopedic therapy for arthritis and joint painDr. Sheinkop, our Chicago, IL, knee cellular orthopedic specialist, offers cellular orthopedic treatment for knee pain. Stem cell therapy procedures are breakthrough, non-surgical cellular orthopedic treatments for people suffering from knee pain. This can be due to common injuries to the knee meniscus, ACL or MCL, or cartilage. People may also have knee pain and are experiencing degenerative conditions, such as osteoarthritis.

Traditional options for patients suffering from these conditions include arthroscopic knee surgery to repair ligament tears or total knee joint replacement. With both surgeries, months of rehab are required, and the patient must be aware of and prepared to take on the risks. As an alternative, the stem cell procedure may help alleviate knee pain or heel pain and the conditions that cause it with a simple office injection procedure.

Knee Cellular Orthopedic Treatment With Our Chicago, IL Knee Specialist

Stem Cells are in all of us, and they are responsible for healing injured bones, ligaments, tendons, and tissues. They are the key component behind the procedures at Dr. Sheinkop. As we get older or injured, we sometimes cannot get enough of these cells into the area in need. Stem cell therapy helps solve that problem by precisely delivering a high concentration of stem cells and growth factors into the injured area, aiding your body’s ability to heal naturally. Patients typically avoid long, painful rehabilitation periods to restore joint strength and mobility following surgery. Stem cell patients are usually encouraged to walk the same day, and most experience little or no downtime from the procedure.


The procedure begins when the doctor thoroughly numbs the back of the hip (PSIS) and takes a small bone marrow sample through a needle, as well as a blood draw from a vein in the arm. The marrow is rich in Mesenchymal Stem Cells, which are responsible for healing damaged tissues. The stem cells are isolated from the marrow sample, and platelets are isolated from the blood sample. After preparation, these two components will be reinjected directly into the damaged area of the joint using advanced imaging guidance. This ensures the cells are delivered to the exact location of need.

Are You A Candidate For Cellular Orthopedic Treatment?

If you suffer from a joint injury, joint pain, a non-healing fracture, or a degenerative condition like osteoarthritis, you may be a good candidate for these ground-breaking stem cell and blood platelet treatments. Please contact Dr. Sheinkop at 312-475-1893 today!


Hip Cellular Orthopedic Treatment With Our Chicago, IL Knee Specialist

Blood Platelet Procedures offer the most advanced, non-surgical treatments available for individuals with common hip injuries, hip arthritis, avascular necrosis, and other hip problems. In many cases, cellular orthopedic treatment is a viable treatment alternative for individuals who may be considering elective hip surgery or hip replacement surgery.

Due to the nature of the hip and its associated nerves, reasons for hip pain are widely misdiagnosed, and hip surgery is frequently presented to patients as the only option to resolve their pain. In cases where hip surgery may be warranted, it is up to the patient to understand the risks and determine if it is the best course of action for them. As a non-surgical alternative, stem cell hip procedure patients have experienced excellent results in complex hip injuries and advanced degenerative hip conditions, such as osteoarthritis and avascular necrosis.

Hip surgery is traumatic and may require months of painful rehabilitation to regain strength and motion. Alternatively, stem cell procedures may help heal and alleviate hip problems with a same-day stem cell or platelet injection procedure. Dr. Sheinkop’s patients benefit from little or no downtime from the procedure and avoid the wide range of problems that often follow more invasive surgeries.


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