Using minimally invasive options for patients, we are able to harvest, concentrate, and prepare a patient’s own fat for the repair, reconstruction, and replacement of injured or damaged tissue. Adipose tissue, commonly known as fat, has many natural reparative characteristics that help to promote a healing environment throughout the body.
Known Facts about FAT
- FAT is minimally invasive to harvest
- Most people have a lot of extra FAT
- FAT is the highest quality tissue
- FAT has 100-500 times more reparative cells than other similar tissue.
- Research has shown that as a person ages, their FAT maintains its reparative properties unlike other similar tissue, such as bone marrow, which may lose healing capacity with age. Look up Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF)
Last week, I traveled to Carlsbad, California where I was updated about the progress of The Personalized Stem Cell Clinical Trial FDA submission. You may keep abreast of that announcement at At the same time, I personally underwent a minimal liposuction, with recovery of 40 grams of fat containing 3.2 million stem cells. That Lipoaspirate is now cryopreserved and stored so that the moment the FDA approval of the PSC stem cell trial is announced, I will have access to my adipose-derived stem cells for injection into my arthritic joints. As well, a portion of those stem cells will remain cryopreserved and available should I ever require non-arthritic interventions for lung, heart, or other co-morbidities.
In November of 2018, I was the senior author of a scientific publication dealing with micro-fractured adipose tissue for osteoarthritic knees. In 2018, I was also the senior author of a scientific publication dealing with autologous bone marrow concentrate for knee arthritis. As a result of the aforementioned, I lay claim to one of the most evidence-based Regenerative, Orthobiologic clinical practices in the United States.
So Now What?
If you have symptoms and functional limitations imposed by osteoarthritis, call and schedule a consultation (312) 475-1893. After the orthopedic assessment and review of images, I will offer and recommend what I believe to be the best alternative for you from my menu of offerings:
1) Platelet Rich Plasma based interventions
2) Nano-particle interventions (ECVs)
3) Bone Marrow Concentrate applications
4) Adipose (fat) based approaches starting with mini-liposuction and then
a. Same day microfracture and injection into the symptomatic and function limiting joint. Learn more at
b. Cryopreservation until the FDA PSC Trial is approved
c. A combination of a. and b.
To learn more, visit my website at or call (847)390-7666.