Special Announcement - Now Screening for FDA Approved Stem Cell Study
Dr. Mitchell Sheinkop has completed training and is credentialed for an FDA-approved stem cell clinical trial for knee arthritis. Our clinic is now screening patients for this trial. Contact us at 312-475-1893 for details. Click here to learn more.
100th Publication on Evidence Based Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Orthopedics

100th Publication on Evidence Based Regenerative Medicine and Cellular Orthopedics

“Article Title: Clinical outcomes and safety of a combined autologous bone marrow concentrate intraosseous and intraarticular injection for knee osteoarthritis at 12 months

Journal Title: Journal of Regenerative Medicine

Dear Dr. Sheinkop

I am pleased to tell you that your work has now been accepted for publication in Journal of Regenerative Medicine.

It is accepted on 2020-09-14”

100th Publication in an Orthopedic Journal

This will mark the 100th scientific article I have authored or co-authored and has been or will be published in a peer reviewed orthopedic journal. The last three articles have been the result of our outcome efforts in Regenerative Medicine. While I have previously alluded to my having pioneered the integration of patient care with clinical research when I was a joint replacement surgeon, there are few orthopedic surgeons, for that matter clinicians of any kind, who have focused their biologics care and treatment of the musculoskeletal system on evidence based medicine. When you visit an orthopedic surgeon, a patient may feel confident in the surgical recommendations advanced. In the emerging field of Orthobiologics for arthritis and musculoskeletal injury, there is not as of yet, a specialty board certifying the training of the regenerative medicine clinician. The result is the risk to a patient of fraud and abuse by the charlatans, camp followers and bad actors. The best means of patient protection in regenerative medicine is to seek out only those who practice evidence-based medicine.

Returning to the thrilling days of the future, the three-year follow-up of the original patients receiving the combined intraosseous and intraarticular bone marrow concentrate at the arthritic knee will soon be initiated. We need to scientifically document how long the treatment will last. At the same time, we continue outcomes surveillance of those who participated in the pioneering Personalized Stem Cell Clinical Trial. Continuing to work with Personalized Stem Cells, I have established an encrypted communication means with the FDA as we are now moving forward with the planning of the next Adipose derived stem cell trial. You may learn more and see the future at www.PersonalizedStemCells.com.

Studies under consideration for 2020/21

  • First clinical trial is for knee osteoarthritis (completed)
  • Injection of uncultured cells into two arthritic knees.
  • Injection of cultured stem cells into two arthritic knees.
  • Multiple clinical trials with one or more injections with uncultured and/or cultured stem cells in knees, hips, shoulders or elbows.
  • Treatment of immune mediated conditions as supported by clinical and scientific publications.

*The studies outlined will only be conducted if, or when, FDA approval is obtained for each medical condition, protocol, and cell type.

You may learn more on my web site www.sheinkopmd.com or schedule an appointment by calling (312) 475-1893


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My Orthopedic Recommendation for Two Recreational Middle-Aged Athletes

My Orthopedic Recommendation for Two Recreational Middle-Aged Athletes

I make this orthopedic recommendation as emeritus professor of orthopedic surgery at a major medical center where I was director of the joint replacement program and where I performed close to 20,000 knee and hip replacements. First and foremost, try to postpone a joint replacement for as long as possible. A failed joint replacement will reassign you to a couch potato category.

The two patients seeking consultation last week are both in their early 50s and like to ski; while one still enjoys soccer and tennis on weekends, the other plays weekend basketball and goes to a fitness facility during the week. In both cases, at the beginning of the week, they limp with painful and stiff joints. In the latter of these patients, I had previously completed a concentrated bone marrow/stem cell intervention into the left hip and left knee. In the other, the patient has had the joint fluid drained from his knee on several occasions in conjunction with a cortisone injection and a cartilage defect in his recent MRI.

While we all know of joint replacement success stories, there is a 70% chance of the need for a second operation to repair that failed joint in a lifetime when that replacement was introduced in a middle-aged recreational athlete. In fact, there may be a need for still a third revision in a life time; and the outcome of revision surgery does not approach that of a first-time success. For the 30% who do not enjoy a successful outcome with continued pain and loss of motion, your athletic days are over.

A reasonable question that follows is whether there are successful surgical cartilage restoration procedures that will maintain or restore function for more than two years? At this point in time, in spite of anecdotal, sensational claims, there is no outcome evidence that surgical attempts at joint restoration will stand up to use and abuse for more than 24 months.

My Orthopedic Recommendation

What is the alternative for the two middle aged athletes? In making my recommendations, I took into consideration that which is FDA approved, the biologic option for which we have four to five years of statistically significant outcomes data, and that approach for which there is finally partial or total insurance coverage. In the first scenario, I recommended a repeat Stem Cell intervention into the hip as our evidence clearly supports the greater success with lasting benefit of a second Stem Cell procedure. For the knee, I administered informed consent for the FDA approved Personalized Stem Cells clinical trial. Visit WWW.PersonalizedStemCells.com. For the second patient, I suggested a concentrated, customized, Platelet and Growth Factor intervention to reverse the inflammation and thereby eliminate his pain and swelling. In the long term, the FDA PSC Trial would be the probable solution as well.

To learn more or schedule a consultation, call (312) 475-1893. You may visit my web site at www.sheinkopmd.com.

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