The Ultimate Performance Success Following a Cellular Orthopedic Procedure
Every year at this time, we each recall and celebrate several significant events of historic, cultural and spiritual importance. No matter what your roots or upbringing or present belief, these past eight days usually involve a gathering of friends and family to jointly read and remember that which happened long ago and still impacts us today. Whether done in a house of worship or in the home, somehow, we ask similar questions and teach our children and grandchildren that which befell us in ancient days. To underscore those similarities, some years ago, when my son had his Bar Mitzvah at the Western Wall, a Franciscan Monk who I had come to know invited us the next day to a Pre-Easter service at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Other than The Gregorian chants and the frankincense, the superstructure of the 90-minute service was quite familiar.
I use this yearly celebration to reflect and meditate; it also initiates the spring cleaning ritual in our house. Having grown up in Humboldt Park and later Albany Park to parents who left Europe in time, Passover meant it was time to clean and wash the kitchen cabinets, recycle, and dispose of certain foods. On Division Street, we lived near my orthodox grandparents; in Albany Park, they lived with us, so the everyday plates and silverware were taken to the basement and exchanged for special settings reserved for this time of year.
Certainly, times have changed and we have assimilated; but my wife still prepares the appropriate meals for the week and makes sure the house is immaculate. Then the family and company visits end and we are challenged by the need to address the residual back scuffs on our wood kitchen floor; lots of them and pronounced. Here is where the ultimate test of the cellular orthopedic intervention to my own hips and knees, now almost four months ago comes into play.
With the coverage varying between the Masters, Cubs, and Sox games in the background, we genuflexed, spread the Murphy Oil Soap and started rubbing away with microfiber wipes. This exercise lasted about two hours, admittedly with several breaks. Nevertheless, we accomplished our mission and I got up unassisted to head to the health club for my strength training respite.
This morning, Section one of the Chicago Tribune carried three full pages, in color, competing ads concerning Regenerative Medicine; none giving much information about science or outcomes but certainly employing one-time prominent athletes as spoke persons. Is it worth a free lunch to become a marketing dupe? As readers of my Blog know, I myself had Cellular Orthopedic intervention to my knees at the end of 2017 and to my hips at the start of 2018. This morning I scheduled two ski trips in 2019 to Vail; on Saturday morning, I am headed to Southwest Wisconsin for a long weekend to bike and fly fish; and I am on standby at any time to genuflex and spread that murphy oil soap.
So as advertised on Friday night Cable, you may receive a $250 gift certificate for attending a Stem Cell Seminar, or you may get examined and receive counsel from this orthopedic surgeon focusing on Cellular orthopedics. For the latter call 312 475 1893 to schedule an appointment, one on one. You may access my web site and watch the webinar at
Tags: arthritis, genuflex, Hip pain, Hip Replacement, knee arthritis, knee injury, knee pain, Osteoarthritis