Special Announcement - Now Screening for FDA Approved Stem Cell Study
Dr. Mitchell Sheinkop has completed training and is credentialed for an FDA-approved stem cell clinical trial for knee arthritis. Our clinic is now screening patients for this trial. Contact us at 312-475-1893 for details. Click here to learn more.
A Regenerative and Restoration Milestone

A Regenerative and Restoration Milestone

It happens every year since the day I was born, there is a birthday celebration in my home and it happens again this week. Sure, I have a little more graying of my hair; but fortunately, I have my hair. I also have an activity level that would not have been possible, given the arthritis in my knees and hips, unless I had undergone restorative and regenerative intervention taking advantage of Bone Marrow Concentrate and Platelet Rich Plasma Offerings as I write about in these blogs. 

To give you some insight of what is possible no matter your age and before you become a couch potato owing to pain and functional limits imposed by arthritis, let me describe what I have planned for the Memorial Day weekend. You might recall that I was experiencing progressive functional limitation until a regenerative procedure was completed on my knees, December, 27, 2017 followed by a similar procedure in my hips on January 11, 2018. On this upcoming Thursday, I will begin planting a relatively large vegetable garden in the mid-day when we arrive in Southwest Wisconsin followed by a late afternoon 30-mile bike ride. First, we stop at the Amish Greenhouse in our neck of the woods to collect the vegetables and Herbs. On Friday the cycling and planting will continue; Saturday will be a half day of fly fishing followed by more planting and then another 30-mile bike ride. Sunday will be a repeat of Saturday after the evening outdoor barbecue. Monday morning is another half day of fly fishing, then planting of the herb plot after which we return to Chicago and office patients on Tuesday.

I felt your pain until I took advantage of the possibility for functional restoration and joint regeneration that I offer my patients. No more kvetching from me. The way I want to live is the way I practice.  I am not ready to slow down even though birthdays are being celebrated each year; and I don’t have to alter my way of life; having enjoyed symptom relief and functional restoration via Bone Marrow Concentrate and Platelet Rich Plasma offerings.

To learn about how you might continue to enjoy or perhaps return to an active, symptom free lifestyle, call (312) 475-1893 To schedule an appointment. You may visit my blog at HTTP://www.ILcellulartherapy.com where you may watch the webinar

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The U.S. FDA regulation of cell therapies finally is enforced

“Mitch, not sure if you heard, but the FDA via the DOJ has requested injunctions against the mothership clinics of Berman and Lander, as well as the US Stem Cell clinic run by Comella. We can hope that criminal indictments might follow, since they certainly are some of the most flagrant violators of the law in recent med I can think of. The SCIA group can’t be too far behind. It seems that advertising all kinds of cures for everything that ails the patient makes you a higher priority target.” (Personal communication)

I am dedicated to providing patients with the best possible care in regenerative medicine and am pleased to announce that I have adopted a technology platform developed by Greyledge Technologies (Vail, CO). Their technology to generate platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and bone marrow-derived cell concentrate (BMC) is derived from successfully operating a laboratory that is registered with the FDA (listed as a “component preparation and collection facility”, FEI 3008724474), which has cleared two audits with no issues. Based on their platform, I offer my patients customized therapy, since each preparation is analyzed for platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells (among 23 parameters), which I review prior to treatment. This knowledge permits me to make adjustments based on my more than 40 years of experience in orthopedic surgical and now cellular orthopedic practice. No other system or technology gives me this kind of capability to personalize your treatment.

As a result of the technology I have adopted, my office has been able to create a scientific outcomes data base using the same parameters in cellular orthopedics as when I was the director at one of the five largest joint replacement programs in the country. At that time, I pioneered the integration of patient are with research and education. The latter allowed me to rise to the position of full professor; having publish over 75 scientific articles in the field of hip and knee joint replacement. I am happy to update you with the fact that I am at it again. On June 10, my paper concerning the preliminary outcomes of combined intraarticular and intraosseous stem cell intervention for knee arthritis will be presented in Las Vegas at of The Orthopedic and Biologic Institute (TOBI) annual meeting. The manuscript concerning Autologous Bone Marrow Concentrate and Platelet Product for Symptomatic Knee Arthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Minimum 2 Year Follow-Up was submitted to a major orthopedic journal and is one of three papers I have been invited to deliver from the scientific podium of The Medrebels, October 26 to 28 meeting in Austin, Texas.

If you want to avail yourself of the best opportunity to postpone, perhaps avoid a joint replacement for arthritis while enjoying pain relief and restoration of an active life style, chose science over advertised anecdote. Call (312) 475-1893 to schedule an appointment. You may access my website and watch the webinar at www.Ilcellulartherapy.com.

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Birds do it, bees do it, even Jack Nicklaus does it; I am talking about stem cells

In the ongoing initiative to remain in the forefront of cellular orthopedic offerings for arthritis, “a needle, not a knife”, it was time to advance my skills when dealing with low back pain. About 70% of my patients, in addition to major joint disease, present with degenerative disc and facet joint generated symptoms. At times, it is difficult to determine as to whether hip and knees symptoms come from those joints or are referred from the low back so off I went for Continuing Education. Arriving in San Jose on Thursday, mid- day, and activating my cell phone to see how the world might have changed over the past 4 1/2 hours during my flight, I found an e-mail from my daughter, a physical therapist:

Jack Nicklaus reveals his secret, experimental stem cell therapy in CNN interview
“I’m not a doctor, but I think that stem cell is going to change…the direction of orthopedics, totally,” Nicklaus said, remarking the procedure has given him the opportunity to keep teeing it up. “As long as my stem cells allow me…Golf is a game of a lifetime, I hope to play for my lifetime”. –Joel Beall

How about that one for timing; thank you CNN. Now we may add to the list of celebrities who have undergone regenerative medicine interventions but golfing great Jack Nicklaus deserves special attention. Unlike the star athletes who continually undergo stem cell and PRP interventions so as to compete such as Fred Couples, Steph Curry and an ever- increasing list; Nicklaus underwent a restorative procedure to his back so he could just enjoy a painless round of golf. It is Sunday and I am headed home. Now I am better prepared to help you restore your active lifestyle and overcome limitations imposed by osteoarthritis in a major joint or the low back.

The algorithm of care requires an office assessment and review of images including X-rays, MRIs and at times, a CT scan. Whether further preliminary study is needed will be subsequently determined; and I emphasize, the process may not be “one and done”. After age 45, it more often than not restoration, not regeneration, so maintenance may periodically be needed. Last of all, the improvement following any regenerative or restorative intervention may take 6 to 12 weeks at a minimum.

The next step is your phone call to schedule a consultation. (312) 475-1893
You may view my web site and watch the webinar at www.Ilcellulartherapy.com

A website update to include the low back is forthcoming

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All Regenerative Physicians are Not the Same

All Regenerative Physicians are Not the Same

I am an orthopedic surgeon. The new focus for the arthritic joint is restoration and not replacement. Almost five years ago, I joined that emerging initiative after a 37-year professional career of having replaced joints. One of the recent problems emerging in this discipline of regenerative medicine is that marketing is inaccurate. There is no quick fix be it a replacement or an interventional orthopedic procedure. What stem cells do not risk is a joint replacement failure requiring a repeat procedure (revision), a significant occurrence of infection, a blood clot or a nerve injury. As a surgeon, I replaced arthritic joints because the original cartilage had degenerated and the bone surfaces degraded. My effort now is to restore and not replace. This is an evolving field using stem cells derived from bone marrow, using inflammatory blockers, and growth factors.

Finding a good interventional cellular orthopedist is partly a numbers game. Research shows a regenerative specialist must do a minimum of 50 interventions a year to provide a consistently satisfactory end result. Five years ago, the orthopedic surgical community including my past associates were all nay-sayers. Today, they are embracing that which I pioneered. While there are of this time, no true standards and regulatory bodies outside the FDA, in my office, I have pioneered a standardization initiative via qualitative analysis of that which we aspirate and then inject. The meeting of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons in San Diego ending last week dedicated a relatively large part of the educational and scientific agenda to regenerative medicine and interventional orthopedics. All this being said, the patient seeking out one of America’s fastest growing procedures must assure the provider is experienced, knowledgeable and be prepared to meet a patient’s expectations. The explosive growth of those holding themselves out to be capable of delivery an excellent or at least a good regenerative outcome is not supported by evidence or experience.  To repeat what I indicated above, all doctors are not the same. If you want the evidence, make an appointment. If you want a procedure by those who market themselves as treating Alzheimer’s, Alopecia, facial wrinkles, Arthritis, so on and so forth all under the same roof, I am not the that clinician.

To learn more, check out my web site at www.Sheinkopmd.com

View my webinar at www.ilcellulartherapy.com

Or call for an appointment 847 390 7666

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All Regenerative Physicians are Not the Same

Results of Bone Marrow Concentrate Intervention for Osteoarthritis of the Hip

I am receiving increased requests for my Outcomes Data following a Bone Marrow Concentrate intervention for osteoarthritis of the hip. There is a paucity of said outcomes data in the scientific literature in part because of the relatively recent introduction of Regenerative Medicine for Osteoarthritis. I believe equally important is the fact that I was one of the first orthopedic surgeons to embrace the practice and remain one of the few in the subspecialty who practices evidence based medicine through the integration of clinical research with a clinical practice. Perhaps the recent presidential campaign, where honesty took a beating across the US, is responsible for the heightened patient awareness of the charlatans victimizing the public when it comes to Regenerative Medicine.

There is no question that there is value in facts and that is why my cellular orthopedic initiative is evidence based. Earlier this week, owing to these patient inquiries about my particular data base results when it comes to stem cells and growth factor for the hip, I reviewed my data base. There are now just over 150 patients with osteoarthritis of the hip who have undergone a Bone Marrow Concentrate intervention of the hip. The introduction of those bone marrow derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Growth factors has the potential to relieve pain, improve function, increase motion, regenerate the cartilage, alter the natural history of the arthritic joint, and delay, perhaps help avoid a hip replacement.

In order to qualify for submission to an orthopedic journal or scientific meeting, orthopedic data must be statistically significant with greater than a two-year follow-up. Our numbers will reach those criteria by January 1, so I thought I would present the preliminary data in this Blog format.

Of the 150 arthritic hips with grade 2 and 3 osteoarthritis at the time of the intervention over the past four years, 92% of patents on average, reported a clinically important improvement in hip-related pain after 1 year while 1% reported worsening. To the best of my knowledge, one patient in the group progressed to grade 4 osteoarthritis and elected to undergo a Total Hip Replacement. As far as Hip-Related function after a minimum of 1 year, 90% of patients reported a clinically significant improvement while 1% reported worsening. Of importance is the fact that of the 9% who initially showed no detectable change in hip-related function, all 9 were significantly improved by a booster intervention.

During my four and one half year, Interventional Orthopedic practice, I have learned that when a patient doesn’t reach a sought-after goal while under observation, a repeat intervention be it Platelet Rich Plasma or a Bone Marrow Concentrate, is a very important part of achieving success. Herein is the basis for my integration of a clinical research initiative with timely follow-up as contrasted with a procedure, a bill and a goodbye. If you want to learn more about evidence based Cellular Orthopedics be it for an arthritic hip or knee, call and schedule a consultation.

312 475 1893

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All Regenerative Physicians are Not the Same

Optimizing Strategies for the Practice of Interventional Orthopedics

The FDA again held a meeting to address issues pertaining to Regenerative Medicine. At the conclusion of the meeting, an updated set of guidelines was developed for patient protection in the use of stem cells, growth factors, and platelet rich plasma. While still being interpreted by the Regenerative Medicine community, what becomes clear is the call for better self-regulation. It is not ethical or acceptable for anyone holding themselves out to be practicing cellular medicine to hold a seminar, recruit a patient, inject some substance into a joint and request payment. Equally important are the credentials of that practitioner.

For the past four and a half years, I have followed the outcomes of all my patients using the same subjective and objective parameters in my practice of Interventional Orthopedics that I used to follow the results during my joint replacement career. Over that 37-year span, because of my data collection initiative, many new generations of Hip and Knee Prostheses were introduced into adult reconstructive orthopedic surgery. Statistical analysis of data allows for progress in care and development of new product. Today, I still gather outcomes data for each patient. That initiative has led to refinement and advances in the emerging subspecialty of Regenerative Medicine; both in my own practice and around the globe.

Anticipating the future, I am headed off this upcoming weekend to join a small group of those looking to the future in advancing the practice of cellular medicine. Up until now, our data collection and Outcomes registry was clinical in nature; in a short time, that data will also include cellular data. This latter is the next way to refine the practice of regenerative medicine.

By having tighter control over the composition of autologous PRP and BMC preparations for use in my practice of regenerative medicine, through comprehensive analysis of autologous patient samples, I will have a chance to see what levels of important constituents like Stem Cells, Growth Factors, Platelets, RBCs, WBCs, and so on are present in the preparation.

How might I take advantage of the data? The most obvious use would be for me to record values of your sample analysis in a spreadsheet and enter in demographic and clinical outcomes data. I will continue to enter your results of outcomes assessments obtained during follow-up visits that I routinely use to monitor your recovery. By applying this strategy to all patients I treat, an internal database will inform me about optimization strategies for treating my patients, allowing me to modify and customize the make-up of that which will be injected. Why go to the trouble, you might be asking yourself? Having a detailed knowledge of what I am injecting into my patient puts me in a position to refine my practice of regenerative medicine. And that is a good thing, since you the patient ultimately will benefit from my optimizing the use of autologous materials like PRP and BMC.

To schedule your appointment call 312 475 1893


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