Dec 20, 2018
How long will the benefits last?
Yesterday, an individual presented in the office on a professional matter for a scheduled business meeting and during our discussions, related that he had undergone right hip arthroscopy, eight weeks earlier. He had an antalgic (painful) gait while walking into the meeting room so I discussed the rationale for undergoing a Platelet Rich Plasma concentrate/Growth Factor Concentrate intervention when he returned to his home base. The individual elected to become my patient on the spot so I performed a physical assessment and noted asymmetrical hip motion with limitation on the right side. His pre-arthroscopic diagnosis was a torn acetabular labrum. In 45 minutes, my team had drawn his blood and prepared the concentrated injectate followed by my completing an ultrasound guided intraarticular right hip injection. Within five minutes, his inability to fully spread his legs, flex and extend his hip, and tolerate internal and external rotation had been corrected. This is not an infrequent observation following a Cellular Orthopedic intervention to the hip; yet I have no explanation for the immediate pain relief and return of joint function. He left the office with almost no discernable limp.
This past Monday, the office received this communication from a patient who began treatment with Bone Marrow Concentrate to her knees about four years ago; returning on several occasions until she reached maximum medial improvement at 18 months post intervention.
“I wanted to write to you and Dr Sheinkop to congratulate you on the published study in the Journal of Translational Medicine in which I was a participant. It is really satisfying to see that results finally in print. I want to thank you both for allowing me to participate, even though I was outside of the Chicago area.
Just to follow up, my knees have been doing really well for the past year. I enjoyed a long summer of bicycling, including regular 20-30 mile rides as well as a 40 and 50-mile ride, without significant pain. I also have been able to use the elliptical pain free and just in the past two weeks I started running on the treadmill (alternating one minute of running & walking for about 20-25 minutes on a 4% incline). I’m starting really slow -but I never thought I would be able to run relatively pain-free again”.
There is no way of predicting how soon and for how long a cellular orthopedic intervention will have an effect. Our ongoing outcomes observations for over six years may eventually help answer the question; but in the meantime, we ask our patients to return periodically so we may learn from them and intervene if needed.
To learn how you may benefit from a Cellular Orthopedic intervention schedule a consultation by calling (847)-390-7666. My web site is at
Tags: Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells, arthritis, Bone Marrow Concentrate, cellular orthopedics, Clinical Trial. Mitchell B. Sheinkop, Growth Factors, Interventional Orthopedics, Knee Pain Relief, Mesenchymal Stem Cell, micro-fractured fat, Orthopedics, Platelet Rich Plasma, Platelet Rich Plasma concentrate/Growth Factor Concentrate, stem cells, Subchondroplasty, torn labrum
Feb 26, 2018
For one, to the best of my knowledge, he doesn’t ski but I did earn a letter as a member of the Roosevelt High, basketball team. No, the common ground is the fact that we both have undergone a similar intervention for osteoarthritis of the knee. Six years or so before Bryant’s retirement, he traveled to Dusseldorf, Germany to undergo an orthobiologic intervention for an arthritic knee that was threatening to prematurely end his playing career. That orthobiologic intervention was unavailable at the time in the United States; but professional athletes were traveling to Dusseldorf to help prolong their careers. I closely followed the outcomes and was amazed to see Kobe Bryant’s return to professional basketball following his procedure for five more years, given he had stage four Osteoarthritis of his knee. His knee X-Ray was available on the internet. At the same time, I postponed my surgical procedures knowing that both of my knees and both of my hips were problematic, waiting for access to a treatment similar to that which the professional athletes were having in Europe. Last September, as an invited speaker at the Russian Orthopedic Society annual meeting, I was able to gain access to the treatment regimen very much available by now in Western Europe and Great Britain. My hope was to partake in a family ski vacation from February 17 to 24. On December 27, I underwent biologic intervention into both of my knees; and on January 11, both of my hips.
On Saturday, I returned from a ski week in Vail, including my wife, three children, one daughter-in-law and five grandchildren. Two other spouses don’t ski. I skied six consecutive days with my wife, children and at times, grandchildren. It was an opportunity for returning to the thrilling days of yesteryear as far as skiing was concerned, made possible by Orthobiologics. Imagine, three months ago I was experiencing painful limitations in both hips and in both knees; now I am planning a return four-day skiing visit at the end of March to catch the spring powder. I don’t know if I can help you ski; but I can help you overcome limitations imposed by arthritic joints.
Citing Oliver Wendel Holmes; “We do not quit playing because we grow old; we grow old because we quit playing”.
To learn more visit: or call for an appointment 312 475 1893
Tags: arthritis, biologic intervention, Clinical Trial. Mitchell B. Sheinkop, FDA, Hip pain, Interventional Orthopedics, knee pain, Knee Pain Relief, Kobe Bryant, Orthopedics, Osteoarthritis
Feb 2, 2018
For those who may have missed it, I was featured Monday night in a Fox 32 news report presented by Fox News investigative reporter Sylvia Perez.
Regular readers of my Blog are aware of the opinions I have frequently expressed regarding the charlatans and camp followers that have taken advantage of the regenerative medicine marketplace promising to cure arthritis, Alzheimer’s, Alopecia, ALS, Autism, and every malady known to mankind finally ending at the letter Z. They don’t exclude spinal cord injury, residuals of stroke nor ED while they are at it. The message regarding what stem cells can do is found in newspaper ads, television commercials and radio spots, the latter in the Chicago listening area by a well-known sports announcer. Either attend a seminar or make an appointment for treatment; they will cure your disease, eliminate pain and do away with your suffering. “Call now to schedule an appointment”.
For a free lunch and without an evaluation or examination, you can undergo an amniotic fluid intervention that is “regenerative” as it is claimed, at a cost in the neighborhood of $5,000. I have been involved in amniotic fluid clinical trials for four years underwritten by the largest provider of amniotic fluid in the nation; and our first statement to participants in these clinical trials, without charge for the injectate, is that there are no living stem cells in the amniotic fluid once processed, sterilized, frozen and fast thawed for usage. Hold on, there is more. On September 16, 2017 the FDA published mandatory guidelines: any and all regenerative agents must be autologous and homologous. In plain speak the injectate must come from the same patient and be used as nature intended. Stem cells from donor sources are not compliant.
Featured in the Fox News special report are two patients. One had undergone a complete medical history, physical examination and skeletomuscular evaluation prior to his Cellular Orthopedic intervention enjoying a marvelous outcome; the other, an amniotic fluid injection into his knee without any prior evaluation or preparation and an awful end result. You may watch the actual report by clicking on that underscored above.
One of the standard of practice methodologies in which we take great pride and which I believe separates us from the madding crowd of regenerative medicine camp followers and charlatans; is our evidence based cellular orthopedic approach. In preparation for a scientific podium presentation in two weeks, we are collating our outcomes data at one year for patients who underwent a combined intraarticular (into the knee) and intraosseous (into the subchondral bone) autologous bone marrow and growth factor intervention for osteoarthritis grades two and three. At six weeks, we recorded a 22% improvement in pain relief; 42% at six months, and 89% at 12 months. In future blogs, I will breakdown the outcomes data further and expand on our documented outcomes based on our several cellular orthopedic options.
To learn more, you may review my web site and watch my webinar at
You may schedule a consultation by calling (312) 475-1893
Tags: autologous proten, bone marrow, C-SCP, cellular orthopedics, Clinical Studies, Clinical Trial. Mitchell B. Sheinkop, Concentrated Stem Cell Plasma, FDA, Growth Factors, Interventional Orthopedics, joint replacement, Knee Pain Relief, Osteoarthritis, Platelet Rich Plasma, Subchondroplasty
Jan 5, 2018
If you read my blog posting last week, you would have learned that I personally underwent a cellular orthopedic intervention to both of my knees on Wednesday, 12/27. The symptoms attributable to my own osteoarthritis had progressed to a degree that I was becoming limited in my recreational profile. While there indeed was a response to anti-inflammatory medications, every time I am reminded of the potential complications of NSAIDS, I become medication adverse. This led to the injection into both of my knees of an Autologous Protein Concentrate (APC) with the hope of treating my pain and slowing the progression of cartilage degradation and destruction of my knees.
The process used was a cell-concentration system which concentrated my own anti-inflammatory cytokines and anabolic growth factors. Pioneered in Europe, an ever-increasing number of professional athletes have been prolonging their careers by accessing this treatment. I have waited over five years for the Autologous Protein Concentrate methodology to become available in the United States; three weeks ago, I was granted access. To date, my pain secondary to knee osteoarthritis is not only reduced but gone; I can only hope it stays that way. My function is significantly improved as evidenced by an ability to have pursued my fly fishing passion chasing bone fish with my wife, daughter-in-law and son for three days in Ascension Bay, Mexico, over the New Year weekend. For those unfamiliar, bone fishing requires a continued down and up to a platform on the front of a three-man boat with prolonged standing while balancing. At times, I climbed out of the boat and waded through the flats for 30 to 45-minute intervals until it was time to change locations. Since returning home on January 1, I have been able to return to my fitness profile without restriction previously afforded by my Osteoarthritis generated symptoms and limitations.
As in any and all treatments, a patient must be given informed consent and be warned both of the benefits and risks; so, I will let you in on an adverse event in my early outcome. Owing to the increased activity attributable to the diminution of my pain and increased functional capacity resulting from my initial response to the Autologous Protein Concentrate intervention, instead of climbing down from the fly fishing platform in the front of our boat when it was time to trade places with my wife, I jumped down. In so doing, I kicked the rod holding rack and fractured the fifth toe on my left foot, the pinky toe. Though a bit of a nuisance, it is not too great a price to pay for the relief and improved function of my knees.
To learn more, call my office and schedule an appointment; as I haven’t yet updated my web site with an explanation of the Autologous Protein Concentrate intra-articular injection for treatment of knee osteoarthritis (312) 475-1893.
Tags: anti-inflammatory, arthritis, Autologous Protein Concentrate, cytokines, Growth Factors, Hip Replacement, horse, injection, Interventional Orthopedics, joint replacement, Knee Pain Relief, Osteoarthritis, Pain Management, regenerative medicine, rheumatoid arthritis, treatment, treatment of equine lameness
Dec 27, 2017
Or as Dan Brown’s Origin explores, “Where did we come from, where are we going?”
It seems customary to make predictions at this time of year; but I want to begin by looking back four decades. It is more than reminiscence. Until managed health care was introduced into the marketplace undermining the doctor-patient relationship, a patient would make health care decisions for the most part based on the trust and confidence established with the family physician. Then came what was promoted as New Horizons of Health Care; mainly insurance based decision making. Hailed as the means of controlling spiraling health care costs, the doctor-patient relationship was no longer primary. The model changed health care decision making from a physician to a non-professional employee sitting in front of a computer and determining your care based on a cost containment paradigm. The next step in devolution was the appearance of Web MD and the like were in everyone thought they could become a physician and expert in some aspect of health care by simply clicking on a mouse. No need now for a physician or expert any longer; why bother with someone educated in medical school and struggling through a lengthy residency and then fellowship? Then appeared the next step in Gulliver’s Travels, further devolution or the opportunity for camp followers and charlatans to exploit the belief that marketing would outweigh evidence and science in a patient’s decision-making process.
Unfortunately, the FDA is only now beginning to police these amniotic fluid stem cell purveyors offering false hope. We have experienced a study process of lowering standards, further eroding norms, and peddling fiction. Where are we going; where should you turn for orthopedic care?
Today, I am undergoing a cellular orthopedic intervention on my knees so as to assure my best possible performance when I fly fish, ski, cycle, and maintain my fitness profile in 2018. The process is an autologous therapy (from me to me), that I have wanted to bring to the United States since Kobe Bryant and many more travelled to Dusseldorf, Germany, to have completed over seven years ago. The promise is to do more than treat my knee pain; rather I hope to slow the progression of my Osteoarthritis with this cell-concentration system.
The poet Robert Browning wrote a poem, Rabbi Ben Ezra, often cited as we age and I will quote the opening stanza here:
“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be”
You may read the entirety at the Poetry Foundation website. You may watch my webinar on my web site at Call to schedule appointment (312) 475-1893.
Read this Blog to monitor my response to treatment
Tags: arthritis, autologous therapy, Clinical Trial. Mitchell B. Sheinkop, IRAP, Knee Pain Relief, Kobe Bryant, Mesenchymal Stem Cell, Osteoarthritis, Platelet Rich Plasma