Well, there we were again over the Labor Day three day weekend, cycling up the elevations and over the roads of Southwest Wisconsin. In between, I was able to spend several hours wading in several of my favorite creeks that meander through the Driftless Area. As far as the fly fishing was concerned, it was with a hopper and dropper but I met with little success as I fished during the heat of the day. When it came to cycling though, that was very successful as on three consecutive days, my wife joined me after her cycling sabbatical of 15 years. Our group went out on long rides and two of the wives, mine included, joined us for part of the venture. Why this all becomes important is that two years ago, I was experiencing a major problem with my left knee. The symptoms, arthritis related, had caused me to stop running, decrease my cycling mileage, and alter my skiing agenda. One day, I decided it was time and I underwent a Cellular Orthopedic intervention in my left knee. It was either that or change my entire recreational agenda and limit myself to swimming.
I am happy to report that the musculoskeletal care via Cellular Orthopedics for this Mature Athlete worked and here I am, living a totally unrestricted life. My winter ski trips to the west are being planned so as not to interrupt my work schedule this winter. The absence of knee pain allows me to look forward to another long weekend in pursuit of the 20 inch Brown Trout before the end of the season in Wisconsin..Two years ago, I wasn’t sure if there would be any more skiing in my life or wading up the spring creeks because of the arthritic knee. Sure, I could always fish from a drift boat but it isn’t the same and the Wisconsin spring creeks are for wading, not drifting while seated in a boat.
OK, you get the message; the role of Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate derived Stem cells in Musculoskeletal Care of the Mature Athlete. Now if you will excuse me, I am off to the fitness center to stretch, run and row; all made possible by that Cellular Orthopedic Intervention, two years ago.
Tags: arthritis, athletes, Clinical Trial. Mitchell B. Sheinkop, Concentrated Stem Cell Plasma, Knee, Mature Athlete, Osteoarthritis, Regenexx-SD, stem cells, treatment